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Research Labs

In order to support education, the Department has three control rooms on the 5th floor in Yi-XIAN Building and there is one “project classroom” which supports college students’ education of information system project. Besides, the Department focuses on the development of cloud computing and make effort to build cloud equipment. And here are the 15 laboratories for professors’ research and the interaction with industry, government, academics:


Room NO. Name Professor(I) Professor(II)
260502 The Finance AI Cloud lab. RUA-HUAN TSAIH
260521 Advanced Network Technologies and Services Laboratory Shun-Wen Hsiao  
260522 E-Business Lab HSIN-LU CHANG Chih-Yuan Chou
260523 Ambient e-Services Laboratory YI-LING LIN  
260525 Software Security Lab FANG YU  
260526 IT Innovation Lab RUA-HUAN TSAIH
260527 Emerging Technologies and Applications Lab Kung Chen  
260528 Operations and Analytics Lab Hsiao-Hui Lee  
260529 Digital Innovation & Management Research Lab Wei-Hsi Hung  
260530 Formal Methods and Automated Reasoning Lab. HAO-CHUN CHUANG Chih-Duo Hong  Feng-Yuan Chuang
260531 BPM & Enterprise Systems Joyce Y.H. Lee  
260532 Decision and Quantitative Analysis Lab HAO-CHUN CHUANG YEN-CHUN CHOU
260534 Digital Sustainable Enablement Lab YU-JU TU  
260535 Natural Language Understanding Lab.
Hsiao-Hui Lee Chien-Yi Hsiang
260536 Human-Automation Interaction Lab Shih-Yi Chien