
Honor Category Year Award Name Name Awarding Unit
Outside School 113 Best Associate Editor Awards Chih-Yuan Chou The 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2024)
Outside School 113 AIS Distinguished Member Chih-Yuan Chou Association for Information Systems
Outside School 113 第21屆育秀盃創意獎 數位應用類 銀獎 Shih-Yi Chien 財團法人育秀教育基金會
Inside School 113 特聘教授 YEN-CHUN CHOU 國立政治大學
Outside School 113 Best Associate Editor Awards YEN-CHUN CHOU Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems
Outside School 113 2024 JOM Associate Editor Service Award HAO-CHUN CHUANG Journal of Operations Management
Inside School 112 全球前2%頂尖科學家(終身) HENG-LI YANG 史丹佛大學
Outside School 112 第二屆晶心盃RISC-V創意大賽 應用組 金牌獎—指導教授 Chih-Yuan Chou 晶心科技股份有限公司 Andes Technology Corporation
Outside School 112 2023 Coding 101 大學程式設計競賽 金獎—指導教授 Chih-Yuan Chou 教育部
Outside School 112 2023全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽 體感互動科技 第一名 Shih-Yi Chien 教育部