2016 |
Ying-Wei Shih*;Hsien-Chang Huang;湯宗益, 2016.08, 'Effects of Personality Traits on Member Loyalty to Online Communities: Investigation from the Views of Relationship Proneness, Relational Benefits, and Relationship Quality, ' International Journal of Science, Technology and Society, Vol.4(3), No.4(3), pp.pp. 41-47.(*為通訊作者), vol. 410852, Aug. 2016 |
2015 |
Chien-Hsiang Chou;Yi-Shun Wang*;Tzung-I Tang, 2015.02, 'Exploring the Determinants of Knowledge Adoption in Virtual Community: A Social Influence Perspective, ' International Journal of Information Management,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 406902, Feb. 2015 |
2014 |
Chien-Hsiang Chou*;Tzung-I Tang, 2014.09, 'Exploring the Distinction between Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Sharing by Bibliometric Method, ' Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol.Vol. 2, No.No. 3, pp.179-183.(EI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 406903, Sep. 2014 |
2014 |
Jeung-tai E. Tang*;Tzung-I Tang;Chi-Hui Chiang, 2014.01, 'Blog learning: effects of users’ usefulness and efficiency towards continuance intention, ' behavior and information technology, Vol.Vol. 33, No.No. 1, pp.36-50.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 406899, Jan. 2014 |
2011 |
湯宗益*;劉文良, 2011.11, '供應鏈關係利益與關係品質對動態能力之影響 The Impacts of Supply Chain Relational Benefit and Relational Quality on Dynamic Capability, ' 商管科技季刊, pp.23-44.(*為通訊作者), vol. 404571, Nov. 2011 |
2011 |
湯宗益*;江啟惠, 2011.11, '物流業使用行動商務接受度之研究, ' 電子商務研究, pp.269-296.(*為通訊作者), vol. 404570, Nov. 2011 |
2011 |
湯宗益*;Jeung-Tai Tang;Chi-hui Chiang;Yi-Chong Shiha, 2011.08, 'Aliging Virtual Community and Bussiness Strategy with A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective: A Case Study of The Oneup Network Corporation, ' Academy of Taiwan Business Management, pp.41-49.(*為通訊作者), vol. 404569, Aug. 2011 |
2006 |
湯宗益;王俊傑*, 2006.10, '台灣地區醫院網站隱私權保護之現況研究, ' 中臺學報, Vol.17, No.4, pp.1-22.(*為通訊作者), vol. 231576, Oct. 2006 |
2006 |
湯宗益;王俊傑*, 2006.08, '以使用者觀點評估政府環保資訊網站系統之研究, ' 興國學報, Vol.3, No.6, pp.119-136.(*為通訊作者), vol. 231571, Aug. 2006 |
2006 |
湯宗益;王俊傑*, 2006.07, '政府主動揭露醫療消費資訊之策略分析:基於民眾就醫滿意度觀點, ' 新生學報, Vol.1, No.1, pp.349-374.(*為通訊作者), vol. 231566, Jul. 2006 |
2006 |
湯宗益;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng;Yu-Min Hung*;Min-Lan Chang, 2006.04, 'Multiple-Objective Planning for a Production and Distribution Model of the Supply Chain: The Case of a Bicycle Manufacturer, ' JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, pp.309-320.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 231578, Apr. 2006 |
2006 |
湯宗益;湯宗泰*;劉文良, 2006.03, '行動商務創新採用與企業經營積效之相關研究, ' 電子商務學報, Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-24.(*為通訊作者), vol. 231563, Mar. 2006 |
2005 |
湯宗益;Gang Zheng*;Yalou Huang;Guangfu Shu, 2005.06, 'A Comparative Study of Medical Data Classification Methods Based on Decision Tree and System Reconstruction Analysis, ' INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, Vol.4, No.1, pp.102-108.(*為通訊作者), vol. 231565, Jun. 2005 |
2005 |
湯宗益;Mei-Fang Chen*;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, 2005.06, 'Fuzzy MCDM Approach for Evaluation of Expatriate Assignments, ' INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND DECISION MAKING, Vol.4, No.2, pp.277-296.(*為通訊作者), vol. 231562, Jun. 2005 |
2005 |
湯宗益; Yi-Shun Wang, 2005.05, 'A Validation of the Customer Information Satisfaction Instrument for Digital Market Contex, ' INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC BUSINES, Vol.00, No.00, pp.00., vol. 154163, May. 2005 |
2005 |
湯宗益;鄭景華*;王怡舜, 2005.04, '知識整合創新能力對組織創新績效影響之研究, ' 電子商務研究學報, Vol.2, No.1, pp.17-36.(*為通訊作者), vol. 231553, Apr. 2005 |
2005 |
湯宗益;鄭景華*, 2005.01, '知識特質與知識整合機制對跨公司合作的創新績效之影響, ' 資訊管理展望, Vol.07, No.01, pp.00.(*為通訊作者), vol. 154162, Jan. 2005 |
2004 |
湯宗益;鄭景華, 2004.06, '知識整合能力模式之研究, ' 資訊、科技與社會學報, Vol.04, No.01, pp.00., vol. 154161, Jun. 2004 |
2004 |
湯宗益;Yi-Shun Wang;Hsin-Hui Liou;Yuh-Min Wang, 2004, 'Profiling the Learning Styles of Students in Cyber University, ' JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Vol.00, No.00, pp.00.(SCIE), vol. 154158, 2004 |
2003 |
湯宗益;湯宗泰, 2003.12, '行動商務擴散研究:環境與技術創新觀點, ' 中華管理評論, Vol.06, No.06, pp.63-82., vol. 154159, Dec. 2003 |
2003 |
湯宗益;Yi-Shun Wang;Yuh-Min Wang;Hsin-Hui Lin, 2003.10, 'Factors Affecting the Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Banking Services, ' JOURNAL OF KANSAI UNIVERSITY, Vol.35, No.01, pp.1-13., vol. 154157, Oct. 2003 |
2003 |
湯宗益;Yi-Shun Wang;Yuh-Min Wang;Hsin-Hui Lin, 2003.10, 'Determinants of User Acceptance of Internet Banking: An Empirical Study, ' INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICE INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT, Vol.14, No.05, pp.501-519., vol. 154156, Oct. 2003 |
2003 |
湯宗益;Yi-Shun Wang, 2003.07, 'Assessing Customer Perceptions of Web Site Service Quality in Digital Marketing Environment, ' JOURNAL OF END USER COMPUTIN, Vol.15, No.03, pp.14-31., vol. 154154, Jul. 2003 |
2003 |
湯宗益;廖莉芬, 2003.06, '遠距教學系統滿意度與接受度之研究:以適應性結構化理論為基礎, ' 資訊、科技與社會學報, Vol.03, No.01, pp.1-24., vol. 154152, Jun. 2003 |
2003 |
湯宗益;廖莉芬, 2003.04, '遠距教學系統之接受度的研究:以遠距教學系統觀為基礎, ' 中華管理評論, Vol.06, No.02, pp.1-21., vol. 154150, Apr. 2003 |
2003 |
湯宗益;廖莉芬, 2003.03, '互動形式與使用者態度之研究:以遠距教學系統為例, ' 資訊管理展望, Vol.05, No.01, pp.101-114., vol. 154147, Mar. 2003 |
2003 |
湯宗益;湯宗泰;劉文良, 2003, 'B2B電子商務e化功能與績效, ' 電子商務研究學報, Vol.01, No.02, pp.67-92., vol. 154153, 2003 |
2003 |
湯宗益;Daniel Y. Shee;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, 2003, 'AHP, fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral approaches for the appraisal ofinformation service providers in Taiwan, ' JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGMANAGEMENT, Vol.06, No.01, pp.8-30., vol. 154144, 2003 |
2002 |
湯宗益;廖莉芬, 2002.12, '遠距教學系統人機互動之研究:以Flow理論為基礎, ' 資訊、科技與社會學報, Vol.02, No.02, pp.79-94., vol. 154142, Dec. 2002 |
2002 |
湯宗益;王怡舜, 2002.07, '數位產品網路行銷之顧客滿意度量表建構模式, ' 中華管理學報, Vol.03, No.02, pp.63-79., vol. 154136, Jul. 2002 |
2002 |
湯宗益, 2002.04, '行動商務廣告商機, ' 信用合作季刊, No.72, pp.43-53., vol. 154140, Apr. 2002 |
2002 |
湯宗益;王怡舜;王育民, 2002.02, '臺灣地區旅館業電子行銷之服務內容規劃與設計, ' 臺灣銀行季刊, Vol.53, No.1, pp.0., vol. 144587, Feb. 2002 |
2002 |
湯宗益;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng;Daniel Y. Shee, 2002.02, 'An MCDM Framework for Assessing ISPs: The Fuzzy Synthesis Decisions oAdditive and Non-Additive Measurements, ' JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (資訊管學報), Vol.08, No.02, pp.175-192.(TSSCI), vol. 154134, Feb. 2002 |
2002 |
湯宗益, 2002.01, '營利事業有效稅率決定因素之實證研究, ' 會計評論, Vol.00, No.34, pp.57-75.(TSSCI), vol. 154170, Jan. 2002 |
2002 |
湯宗益;Hshiung Tzeng;Daniel Y. Shee, 2002.01, 'An MCDM Framework for Assessing ISPs: The Fuzzy Synthesis Decisions of Additive anNon-Additive Measurements, ' JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (資訊管理學報), Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(TSSCI), vol. 144589, Jan. 2002 |
2001 |
湯宗益;林世銘;李存修, 2001.09, '兩稅合一前後上市公司除權及除息日股價行為之探討, ' 管理學報, Vol.18, No.03, pp.477-501.(TSSCI), vol. 154172, Sep. 2001 |
2001 |
湯宗益;湯宗泰;劉文良, 2001.09, '資訊人員技能需求研究:現在與未來, ' 科技學刊, Vol.10, No.05, pp.383-394.(SCIE), vol. 154133, Sep. 2001 |
2001 |
湯宗益; Yi-Shun Wang;Jeung-tai Eddie, 2001.08, 'An Instrument for Measuring Customer Satisfaction Toward Web Sites That Market Digital Products and Services, ' JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, Vol.02, No.03, pp.00., vol. 154132, Aug. 2001 |
2001 |
湯宗益;施潁偉, 2001.07, '評選資訊服務公司之關鍵性準則的研究, ' 管理與系統, Vol.08, No.03, pp.279-296.(SCIE), vol. 154130, Jul. 2001 |
2001 |
湯宗益;張紹勳, 2001.03, '企業間電子商務採用前後使用信念的徑路比較, ' 資訊管理展望, Vol.03, No.01, pp.1-25., vol. 154128, Mar. 2001 |
2001 |
湯宗益;張紹勳, 2001.03, '組織資訊科技採用前及採用後信念之結構性比較, ' 商業現代學刊, Vol.02, No.02, pp.1-18., vol. 154127, Mar. 2001 |
2001 |
湯宗益;張劭勳, 2001.02, '發展Web-based資訊系統之組織效益量表, ' 中華管理評論, Vol.04, No.01, pp.83-99., vol. 154125, Feb. 2001 |
2001 |
湯宗益; Jeung-tai;Eddie Tang;Daniel Y. Shee, 2001.02, 'A Conceptual Model for Interactive Buyer-Supplier Relationship in Electronic Commerce, ' INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, Vol.12, No.01, pp.49-68., vol. 154123, Feb. 2001 |
2001 |
王怡舜;湯宗泰, 2001, '電子商務之服務品質衡量-以數位行銷為例, ' 中華管理學報,., vol. 154428, 2001 |
2001 |
湯宗益;Suming Lin;Tien-Hsun Chang, 2001, 'The Impact of Tax-Exempt Stock and Land Capital Gains on Corporate Effective Tax Rates, ' Taiwan Accounting Review(中華會計教育學會學術期刊), Vol.02, No.01, pp.33-56., vol. 154171, 2001 |
2001 |
湯宗益;Tang, J.-t;E., Shee;D. Y, 2001, 'The Supply-Demand Interaction in Electronic Commerce - A Classification by Type of Relationship and Dominance, ' International Journal of Services Technology & Management (a special series of International Journal of Technology Managemen, Vol.02, No.03, pp.289-312., vol. 154131, 2001 |
2000 |
湯宗益;王怡舜, 2000.11, '企業總體經濟環境決策支援之研究, ' 中華管理評論, Vol.03, No.04, pp.67-82., vol. 154121, Nov. 2000 |
2000 |
Yi-Shun Wang;Jeung-tai Eddie, 2000.08, 'Measuring Customer Information satisfaction with Web Site MArketing Digital Products and Sevices, ' JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, Vol.2, No.3., vol. 154426, Aug. 2000 |
2000 |
湯宗益;Daniel Y. Shee;Gwo-Hshiung, 2000.05, 'Modeling the Supply-Demand Interaction in Electronic Commerce: A Bi-Level Programming Approac, ' JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, Vol.01, No.02, pp.00., vol. 154119, May. 2000 |
2000 |
湯宗益, 2000.05, '消費者對銀行服務品質及資訊科技之研究, ' 商業現代化學刊, Vol.01, No.02, pp.69-81., vol. 154117, May. 2000 |
2000 |
湯宗益;王怡舜, 2000.05, '資訊服務產業的電子行銷新典範, ' 商業現代化學刊, Vol.1, No.2, pp.82-92., vol. 154116, May. 2000 |
1999 |
湯宗益;楊豐松, 1999.06, '臺灣地區電子商務環境下財務資訊系統之發展方向--從網際網路經濟的度探討, ' 台灣銀行季刊, Vol.50, No.02, pp.108-128., vol. 154115, Jun. 1999 |
1999 |
湯宗益, 1999.04, '電子商務時代的新企業關係與契機, ' 財經資訊雙月刊, No.03., vol. 154110, Apr. 1999 |
1999 |
湯宗益;張紹勳, 1999.03, '台灣地區信用卡消費行為之研究, ' 台灣銀行季刊, Vol.50, No.01, pp.88-109., vol. 154107, Mar. 1999 |
1999 |
湯宗益, 1999.01, '電訊通勤之二部曲, ' 信用合作季刊, Vol.00, No.59, pp.66-68., vol. 154108, Jan. 1999 |
1999 |
湯宗益;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng;Shinn-Wen Wang, 1999, 'A Hierarchy Fuzzy MCDM Method for Studying Electronic Marketing Strategies in the Information Service Industry, ' JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION MANAGEMEN, Vol.08, No.01, pp.1-22., vol. 154113, 1999 |
1995 |
湯宗益, 1995.07, '金融資訊系統外包現況及決策評估模式之研究, '., vol. 118533, Jul. 1995 |
1994 |
湯宗益, 1994, 'Academic Directions of the IS Key Issues, '., vol. 118514, 1994 |
1993 |
湯宗益, 1993, 'Academic Directions of the IS Key Issues, '., vol. 118526, 1993 |