姓名 汤宗益
研究专长 新媒体竞争力、通讯传播政策、新媒体国际竞合、数码思考模式
授课领域 新媒体竞争力、通讯传播政策、新媒体国际竞合、数码思考模式
学历 美国密西西比州立大学 资讯管理与数量分析学系 博士
职称 教授
年度 论文名称
2016 Ying-Wei Shih*;Hsien-Chang Huang;汤宗益, 2016.08, 'Effects of Personality Traits on Member Loyalty to Online Communities: Investigation from the Views of Relationship Proneness, Relational Benefits, and Relationship Quality, ' International Journal of Science, Technology and Society, Vol.4(3), No.4(3), pp.pp. 41-47.(*为通讯作者), vol. 410852, Aug. 2016
2015 Chien-Hsiang Chou;Yi-Shun Wang*;Tzung-I Tang, 2015.02, 'Exploring the Determinants of Knowledge Adoption in Virtual Community: A Social Influence Perspective, ' International Journal of Information Management,.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 406902, Feb. 2015
2014 Chien-Hsiang Chou*;Tzung-I Tang, 2014.09, 'Exploring the Distinction between Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Sharing by Bibliometric Method, ' Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol.Vol. 2, No.No. 3, pp.179-183.(EI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 406903, Sep. 2014
2014 Jeung-tai E. Tang*;Tzung-I Tang;Chi-Hui Chiang, 2014.01, 'Blog learning: effects of users’ usefulness and efficiency towards continuance intention, ' behavior and information technology, Vol.Vol. 33, No.No. 1, pp.36-50.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 406899, Jan. 2014
2011 汤宗益*;刘文良, 2011.11, '供应链关系利益与关系品质对动态能力之影响 The Impacts of Supply Chain Relational Benefit and Relational Quality on Dynamic Capability, ' 商管科技季刊, pp.23-44.(*为通讯作者), vol. 404571, Nov. 2011
2011 汤宗益*;江启惠, 2011.11, '物流业使用行动商务接受度之研究, ' 电子商务研究, pp.269-296.(*为通讯作者), vol. 404570, Nov. 2011
2011 汤宗益*;Jeung-Tai Tang;Chi-hui Chiang;Yi-Chong Shiha, 2011.08, 'Aliging Virtual Community and Bussiness Strategy with A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective: A Case Study of The Oneup Network Corporation, ' Academy of Taiwan Business Management, pp.41-49.(*为通讯作者), vol. 404569, Aug. 2011
2006 汤宗益;王俊杰*, 2006.10, '台湾地区医院网站隐私权保护之现况研究, ' 中台学报, Vol.17, No.4, pp.1-22.(*为通讯作者), vol. 231576, Oct. 2006
2006 汤宗益;王俊杰*, 2006.08, '以使用者观点评估政府环保资讯网站系统之研究, ' 兴国学报, Vol.3, No.6, pp.119-136.(*为通讯作者), vol. 231571, Aug. 2006
2006 汤宗益;王俊杰*, 2006.07, '政府主动揭露医疗消费资讯之策略分析:基于民众就医满意度观点, ' 新生学报, Vol.1, No.1, pp.349-374.(*为通讯作者), vol. 231566, Jul. 2006
2006 汤宗益;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng;Yu-Min Hung*;Min-Lan Chang, 2006.04, 'Multiple-Objective Planning for a Production and Distribution Model of the Supply Chain: The Case of a Bicycle Manufacturer, ' JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, pp.309-320.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 231578, Apr. 2006
2006 汤宗益;汤宗泰*;刘文良, 2006.03, '行动商务创新采用与企业经营积效之相关研究, ' 电子商务学报, Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-24.(*为通讯作者), vol. 231563, Mar. 2006
2005 汤宗益;Gang Zheng*;Yalou Huang;Guangfu Shu, 2005.06, 'A Comparative Study of Medical Data Classification Methods Based on Decision Tree and System Reconstruction Analysis, ' INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, Vol.4, No.1, pp.102-108.(*为通讯作者), vol. 231565, Jun. 2005
2005 汤宗益;Mei-Fang Chen*;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, 2005.06, 'Fuzzy MCDM Approach for Evaluation of Expatriate Assignments, ' INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND DECISION MAKING, Vol.4, No.2, pp.277-296.(*为通讯作者), vol. 231562, Jun. 2005
2005 汤宗益; Yi-Shun Wang, 2005.05, 'A Validation of the Customer Information Satisfaction Instrument for Digital Market Contex, ' INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC BUSINES, Vol.00, No.00, pp.00., vol. 154163, May. 2005
2005 汤宗益;郑景华*;王怡舜, 2005.04, '知识整合创新能力对组织创新绩效影响之研究, ' 电子商务研究学报, Vol.2, No.1, pp.17-36.(*为通讯作者), vol. 231553, Apr. 2005
2005 汤宗益;郑景华*, 2005.01, '知识特质与知识整合机制对跨公司合作的创新绩效之影响, ' 资讯管理展望, Vol.07, No.01, pp.00.(*为通讯作者), vol. 154162, Jan. 2005
2004 汤宗益;郑景华, 2004.06, '知识整合能力模式之研究, ' 资讯、科技与社会学报, Vol.04, No.01, pp.00., vol. 154161, Jun. 2004
2004 汤宗益;Yi-Shun Wang;Hsin-Hui Liou;Yuh-Min Wang, 2004, 'Profiling the Learning Styles of Students in Cyber University, ' JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Vol.00, No.00, pp.00.(SCIE), vol. 154158, 2004
2003 汤宗益;汤宗泰, 2003.12, '行动商务扩散研究:环境与技术创新观点, ' 中华管理评论, Vol.06, No.06, pp.63-82., vol. 154159, Dec. 2003
2003 汤宗益;Yi-Shun Wang;Yuh-Min Wang;Hsin-Hui Lin, 2003.10, 'Factors Affecting the Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Banking Services, ' JOURNAL OF KANSAI UNIVERSITY, Vol.35, No.01, pp.1-13., vol. 154157, Oct. 2003
2003 汤宗益;Yi-Shun Wang;Yuh-Min Wang;Hsin-Hui Lin, 2003.10, 'Determinants of User Acceptance of Internet Banking: An Empirical Study, ' INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICE INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT, Vol.14, No.05, pp.501-519., vol. 154156, Oct. 2003
2003 汤宗益;Yi-Shun Wang, 2003.07, 'Assessing Customer Perceptions of Web Site Service Quality in Digital Marketing Environment, ' JOURNAL OF END USER COMPUTIN, Vol.15, No.03, pp.14-31., vol. 154154, Jul. 2003
2003 汤宗益;廖莉芬, 2003.06, '远距教学系统满意度与接受度之研究:以适应性结构化理论为基础, ' 资讯、科技与社会学报, Vol.03, No.01, pp.1-24., vol. 154152, Jun. 2003
2003 汤宗益;廖莉芬, 2003.04, '远距教学系统之接受度的研究:以远距教学系统观为基础, ' 中华管理评论, Vol.06, No.02, pp.1-21., vol. 154150, Apr. 2003
2003 汤宗益;廖莉芬, 2003.03, '互动形式与使用者态度之研究:以远距教学系统为例, ' 资讯管理展望, Vol.05, No.01, pp.101-114., vol. 154147, Mar. 2003
2003 汤宗益;汤宗泰;刘文良, 2003, 'B2B电子商务e化功能与绩效, ' 电子商务研究学报, Vol.01, No.02, pp.67-92., vol. 154153, 2003
2003 汤宗益;Daniel Y. Shee;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, 2003, 'AHP, fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral approaches for the appraisal ofinformation service providers in Taiwan, ' JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGMANAGEMENT, Vol.06, No.01, pp.8-30., vol. 154144, 2003
2002 汤宗益;廖莉芬, 2002.12, '远距教学系统人机互动之研究:以Flow理论为基础, ' 资讯、科技与社会学报, Vol.02, No.02, pp.79-94., vol. 154142, Dec. 2002
2002 汤宗益;王怡舜, 2002.07, '数码产品网络行销之顾客满意度量表建构模式, ' 中华管理学报, Vol.03, No.02, pp.63-79., vol. 154136, Jul. 2002
2002 汤宗益, 2002.04, '行动商务广告商机, ' 信用合作季刊, No.72, pp.43-53., vol. 154140, Apr. 2002
2002 汤宗益;王怡舜;王育民, 2002.02, '台湾地区旅馆业电子行销之服务内容规划与设计, ' 台湾银行季刊, Vol.53, No.1, pp.0., vol. 144587, Feb. 2002
2002 汤宗益;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng;Daniel Y. Shee, 2002.02, 'An MCDM Framework for Assessing ISPs: The Fuzzy Synthesis Decisions oAdditive and Non-Additive Measurements, ' JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (资讯管学报), Vol.08, No.02, pp.175-192.(TSSCI), vol. 154134, Feb. 2002
2002 汤宗益, 2002.01, '营利事业有效税率决定因素之实证研究, ' 会计评论, Vol.00, No.34, pp.57-75.(TSSCI), vol. 154170, Jan. 2002
2002 汤宗益;Hshiung Tzeng;Daniel Y. Shee, 2002.01, 'An MCDM Framework for Assessing ISPs: The Fuzzy Synthesis Decisions of Additive anNon-Additive Measurements, ' JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (资讯管理学报), Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(TSSCI), vol. 144589, Jan. 2002
2001 汤宗益;林世铭;李存修, 2001.09, '两税合一前后上市公司除权及除息日股价行为之探讨, ' 管理学报, Vol.18, No.03, pp.477-501.(TSSCI), vol. 154172, Sep. 2001
2001 汤宗益;汤宗泰;刘文良, 2001.09, '资讯人员技能需求研究:现在与未来, ' 科技学刊, Vol.10, No.05, pp.383-394.(SCIE), vol. 154133, Sep. 2001
2001 汤宗益; Yi-Shun Wang;Jeung-tai Eddie, 2001.08, 'An Instrument for Measuring Customer Satisfaction Toward Web Sites That Market Digital Products and Services, ' JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, Vol.02, No.03, pp.00., vol. 154132, Aug. 2001
2001 汤宗益;施颍伟, 2001.07, '评选资讯服务公司之关键性准则的研究, ' 管理与系统, Vol.08, No.03, pp.279-296.(SCIE), vol. 154130, Jul. 2001
2001 汤宗益;张绍勳, 2001.03, '企业间电子商务采用前后使用信念的径路比较, ' 资讯管理展望, Vol.03, No.01, pp.1-25., vol. 154128, Mar. 2001
2001 汤宗益;张绍勳, 2001.03, '组织资讯科技采用前及采用后信念之结构性比较, ' 商业现代学刊, Vol.02, No.02, pp.1-18., vol. 154127, Mar. 2001
2001 汤宗益;张劭勳, 2001.02, '发展Web-based资讯系统之组织效益量表, ' 中华管理评论, Vol.04, No.01, pp.83-99., vol. 154125, Feb. 2001
2001 汤宗益; Jeung-tai;Eddie Tang;Daniel Y. Shee, 2001.02, 'A Conceptual Model for Interactive Buyer-Supplier Relationship in Electronic Commerce, ' INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, Vol.12, No.01, pp.49-68., vol. 154123, Feb. 2001
2001 王怡舜;汤宗泰, 2001, '电子商务之服务品质衡量-以数码行销为例, ' 中华管理学报,., vol. 154428, 2001
2001 汤宗益;Suming Lin;Tien-Hsun Chang, 2001, 'The Impact of Tax-Exempt Stock and Land Capital Gains on Corporate Effective Tax Rates, ' Taiwan Accounting Review(中华会计教育学会学术期刊), Vol.02, No.01, pp.33-56., vol. 154171, 2001
2001 汤宗益;Tang, J.-t;E., Shee;D. Y, 2001, 'The Supply-Demand Interaction in Electronic Commerce - A Classification by Type of Relationship and Dominance, ' International Journal of Services Technology & Management (a special series of International Journal of Technology Managemen, Vol.02, No.03, pp.289-312., vol. 154131, 2001
2000 汤宗益;王怡舜, 2000.11, '企业总体经济环境决策支援之研究, ' 中华管理评论, Vol.03, No.04, pp.67-82., vol. 154121, Nov. 2000
2000 Yi-Shun Wang;Jeung-tai Eddie, 2000.08, 'Measuring Customer Information satisfaction with Web Site MArketing Digital Products and Sevices, ' JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, Vol.2, No.3., vol. 154426, Aug. 2000
2000 汤宗益;Daniel Y. Shee;Gwo-Hshiung, 2000.05, 'Modeling the Supply-Demand Interaction in Electronic Commerce: A Bi-Level Programming Approac, ' JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, Vol.01, No.02, pp.00., vol. 154119, May. 2000
2000 汤宗益, 2000.05, '消费者对银行服务品质及资讯科技之研究, ' 商业现代化学刊, Vol.01, No.02, pp.69-81., vol. 154117, May. 2000
2000 汤宗益;王怡舜, 2000.05, '资讯服务产业的电子行销新典范, ' 商业现代化学刊, Vol.1, No.2, pp.82-92., vol. 154116, May. 2000
1999 汤宗益;杨丰松, 1999.06, '台湾地区电子商务环境下财务资讯系统之发展方向--从网际网络经济的度探讨, ' 台湾银行季刊, Vol.50, No.02, pp.108-128., vol. 154115, Jun. 1999
1999 汤宗益, 1999.04, '电子商务时代的新企业关系与契机, ' 财经资讯双月刊, No.03., vol. 154110, Apr. 1999
1999 汤宗益;张绍勳, 1999.03, '台湾地区信用卡消费行为之研究, ' 台湾银行季刊, Vol.50, No.01, pp.88-109., vol. 154107, Mar. 1999
1999 汤宗益, 1999.01, '电讯通勤之二部曲, ' 信用合作季刊, Vol.00, No.59, pp.66-68., vol. 154108, Jan. 1999
1999 汤宗益;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng;Shinn-Wen Wang, 1999, 'A Hierarchy Fuzzy MCDM Method for Studying Electronic Marketing Strategies in the Information Service Industry, ' JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION MANAGEMEN, Vol.08, No.01, pp.1-22., vol. 154113, 1999
1995 汤宗益, 1995.07, '金融资讯系统外包现况及决策评估模式之研究, '., vol. 118533, Jul. 1995
1994 汤宗益, 1994, 'Academic Directions of the IS Key Issues, '., vol. 118514, 1994
1993 汤宗益, 1993, 'Academic Directions of the IS Key Issues, '., vol. 118526, 1993
年度 论文名称
2014 Chien-Hsiang Chou*;汤宗益, 2014.04, 'Exploring the Distinction between Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Sharing by Bibliometric Method, ' International Conference on Business Information Systems, Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research(ATISR.).(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2014
2013 汤宗益*;Cheng-Che Tsai, 2013.11, 'Acceptance of B2E Mobile Commerce: An Empirical Study of the effects of User, Technology and Task on the logistics industry, ' International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research, Institute of Information Management, National Taipei University.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2013
2013 Yi-Wen Liao*;Yi-Shun Wang;Yi-Min Tu;汤宗益, 2013.11, 'Understanding the Dynamics between Organizational IT Strategy and Performance, ' International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research, Institute of Information Management, National Taipei University.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2013
2013 Chien-Hsiang Chou*;Yi-Shun Wang;汤宗益, 2013.11, 'INVESTIGATING THE FACTORS AFFECTING ONLINE KNOWLEDGE ADOPTION, ' International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research, International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2013
2012 YI-SHUN WANG*;汤宗益, 2012.02, 'AN ANALYSIS OF REQUIRED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCE FOR MIS STUDENTS IN TAIWAN’S UNIVERSITIES, ' 2012 International Conference on Information and Computer Applications.(*为通讯作者), Feb. 2012
2012 YI-SHUN WANG*;汤宗益, 2012.02, 'A MODEL FOR EVALUATING E-LEARNING BLOG SUCCESS, ' 2012 International Conference on Information and Computer Applications.(*为通讯作者), Feb. 2012
2012 Chien-Hsiang Chou*;汤宗益, 2012.02, 'ANALYZING VIRTUAL REALITY RESEARCH IN SOCIAL SCIENCE BY BIBLIOMETRIC METHOD, ' ATISR 2012 : International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research.(*为通讯作者), Feb. 2012
2012 Yuan-Lung Chou*;汤宗益, 2012.02, 'MEMBER’S INTENTION TO INTERACT WITH ENTERPRISES IN VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES COMMUNITIES, ' ATISR 2012 : International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research.(*为通讯作者), Feb. 2012
2012 汤宗益*, 2012.02, 'AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF MOBILE E-COMMERCE TECHNOLOGY SERVICE, ' ATISR 2012 : International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research.(*为通讯作者), Feb. 2012
2012 裘锦天*;汤宗益, 2012.02, 'THE APPLICATION OF MOBILE E-LEARNING IN AN OPEN PLATFORM, ' ATISR 2012 : International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research, 台北大学.(*为通讯作者), Feb. 2012
2012 汤宗益*;Yi-Shun Wang, 2012.01, 'An Analysis of Required Information Technology Competence for MIS Students in Taiwan’s Universities, ' 2012 International Conference on Information and Computer Applications (ICICA 2012), International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2012
2012 汤宗益*;Yi-Shun Wang, 2012.01, 'A Model for Evaluating E-Learning Blog Success, ' 2012 International Conference on Information and Computer Applications (ICICA 2012), International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2012
2011 汤宗益*;Chien-Hsiang Chou, 2011.11, 'ANALYZING VIRTUAL REALITY RESEARCH IN SOCIAL SCIENCE BY BIBLIOMETRIC METHOD, ' International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research, Institute of Information Management, National Taipei University.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2011
2011 汤宗益*;Yuan-Lung Chou, 2011.11, 'MEMBER’S INTENTION TO INTERACT WITH ENTERPRISES IN VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES, ' International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research, Institute of Information Management, National Taipei University.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2011
2011 汤宗益*, 2011.11, 'AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF MOBILE E-COMMERCE TECHNOLOGY SERVICE, ' International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research, Institute of Information Management, National Taipei University.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2011
2011 汤宗益*;Jiin-Tian Chyou, 2011.11, 'THE APPLICATION OF MOBILE E-LEARNING IN AN OPEN PLATFORM, ' International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research, Institute of Information Management, National Taipei University.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2011
2011 汤宗益*;Chen Chun-Lung, 2011.11, 'FLEXIBLE FLOW LINE SCHEDULING PROBLEMS WITH RE-ENTRANT FLOWS AND QUEUE-TIME CONSTRAINTS, ' The International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence (ACAI2012), The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2011
2011 汤宗益*;Yi-Wen Liao;Yi-Shun Wang;Yi-Wen Tia, 2011.08, 'Investigating the Influence of the Landscape Preference of Blogs, User Satisfactory and Behavioral Intention, ' 2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, Premier Hall for Advancing Science and Engineering.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2011
2011 汤宗益*;Hsien-Chang Huang;Ying-Wei Shih, 2011.07, 'PERSONALITY TRAITS AND RELATIONSHIP ATTRIBUTES IN ONLINE COMMUNITIES, ' 2011 International Conference on Business and Information, International Business Academics Consortium.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2011
2002 汤宗益, 2002.06, 'A Model for Measuring Customer Satisfaction with Web Sites That Market Digital Products and Services, ' Proceedings of The Hawaii International Conference on Business., Jun. 2002
2001 王怡舜;汤宗益;汤宗泰, 2001.12, '数码行销网站之服务品质衡量模式, ' 第七届资讯管理暨实务研讨会, 台北., Dec. 2001
2001 汤宗泰;林志彦;刘文良&汤宗益, 2001.12, '电子商务发展潜力与因应策略之差异分析, ' 第七届资讯管理研究暨实务研讨会, 台北., Dec. 2001
2001 Yi-Shun Wang;Jeung-tai Eddie, 2001.11, 'Measuring Customer Information Satisfaction with web site Marketing Digital Products and Services, ' Proceedings of The 6th INFRORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, x., Nov. 2001
2001 汤宗益, 2001.09, '电子商务发展潜力与经营模式资之差异分析, ' 第一届制商整合研讨会, x., Sep. 2001
2001 汤宗益, 2001.07, 'Responding to the Development of the New Economy-Opportunity and Action, ' Proceedings of the APEC Senior Officials Meeting (SOM), Taiwan., Jul. 2001
2001 Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng;Daniel Y. Shee, 2001.06, 'An MCDM Framework for Assessing ISPs:The Fuzzy Synthesis Decicions of Additive and Non-Additive Measurements, ' Proceedings of The Second Annual Global Information Teconology Management (GITM) World Conference, USA., Jun. 2001
2000 王怡舜;王育民&林心慧, 2000.10, '数码产品网络行销之顾客满意度量表建构模式, ' 2000国际电子商务理论与实务研讨会, 台北., Oct. 2000
2000 Daniel Y. Shee;Jeung-tai Eddie Tang, 2000.07, 'Keys to the Supply*Demand Architecture in Electronic Commerce, ' Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), UK., Jul. 2000
1999 Jeung-tai Eddie Tang;Daniel Y. Shee, 1999.12, 'The Dyadic Buyer-Supplier Relationship Mediated by Information Service Provider in a Supply Chain, ' Proceedings of 1999 Technology Management Conference, Taiwan., Dec. 1999
1999 Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, 1999.06, 'A Hierarchy Fuzzy MCDM Method for Studying Electronic MArketing Strategies in the Information Service Industry, ' The 1999 World Conference of Business Information Technology (BIT World), South Africa., Jun. 1999
1993 汤宗益, 1993.08, 'An Empirical Study of the Role of Human-Computer Interaction:Is Planning in Taiwan, ' The 5th Inernational Conference on Human-Computer Interaction., Aug. 1993
汤宗益, 'Identification of Strategic Information Systems Methodologiesplementtion in Taiwan, ' First Conference on Case Method & Research on Asian Business Management., Mar. 2025
汤宗益, 'An Exploratory Assessment on Information Centers in Taiwan:Services,Usage,and strategic Planning, ' IABD., Mar. 2025
汤宗益, 'An Investigation of the Effectiness of IS Stategic Planning and Implementation in Taiwan, ' IABD., Mar. 2025
计画类别 年度 计画名称 参与人 职称/担任之工作 计画期间 补助/委讬或合作机构
科技部 95 数码汇流科技整合之政策与管理 汤宗益 计画主持人 2006.08 ~ 2007.07 开南大学
科技部 94 网站隐私权政策分析--以台湾网站为例 汤宗益 计画主持人 2005.08 ~ 2006.07 开南大学
国家 学校名称 系所 学位 期间
美国 美国密西西比州立大学 Business Information Systems and Quantitative Analyses 博士 1984.06 ~ 1989.10
美国 Wagner College 商业及管理学类 硕士 1981.08 ~ 1983.05
台湾,中华民国 国立政治大学 法律学系 学士 1977.09 ~ 1981.06
经历类别 服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 教授 2025.02 ~ 2025.02
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 教授 2021.02 ~ 2024.08
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 教授 2017.02 ~ 2020.08
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 教授 2015.02 ~ 2016.08
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 教授 2013.01 ~ 2014.08
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 教授 2009.02 ~ 2013.01
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 教授 2007.08 ~ 2008.08
经历一览 开南大学 校长 2004.08 ~ 2007.07
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 教授 2002.12 ~ 2004.08
校内兼职 政治大学 语言视听教育中心录制管理组 组主任 1996.02 ~ 1996.06
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 教授 1995.02 ~ 2002.09
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 副教授 1992.08 ~ 1995.02