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Yu, Chien-Chih*, 2010.11, 'Integrating Personalized and Community Services for Mobile Travel Planning and Management, ' Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol.114, pp.202-213.(EI, DBLP, SpringerLink, Scopus)(*為通訊作者), vol. 317379, Nov. 2010 |
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趙玉, 2010.11, 'Minimal Strict Siphons Extraction for S3PMR, ' Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (JCIE)., Vol.33, No.7, pp.995-1004.(SCI, THCI), vol. 288712, Nov. 2010 |
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Hsin-Lu Chang*;Michael J. Shaw;Feipei Lai;Wen-Je Ko;Yi-Lwun Ho;Heng-Shuen Chen, 2010.11, 'U-Health: An Example of a High-Quality Individualized Healthcare Service, ' Personalized Medicine, Vol.7, No.6, pp.677-687.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 316179, Nov. 2010 |
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Gregory Dobson*;Hsiao hui Lee;Edieal Pinker, 2010.11, 'A Model of ICU Bumping, ' Operations Research, Vol.56, No.6, pp.1564-1576.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 423708, Nov. 2010 |
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陳恭;翁書鈞;Meng Wang;Siau Cheng Khoo*;陳忠信, 2010.11, 'Type-directed weaving of aspects for polymorphically typed functional languages, ' Science of Computer Programming, Vol.75, No.11, pp.1048-1076.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 316050, Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
Johannes K. Chiang;Kenny Huang*, 2010.09, 'GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION REFORM AND SHARED SERVICES DEVELOPMENT IN TAIWAN/ JITM, ' Journal of Information Technology Management, Vol.22, No.1, pp.749-756.(EI, DBLP, SCI, TSCI, ISPECT, Urlich, Genamics JournalSeek, Index of IS Jour)(*為通訊作者), vol. 318989, Sep. 2010 |
2010 |
Yu, Chien-Chih*;Janssen, Marijn, 2010.09, 'The Need for Strategic Management and Business Model Design in Government and Public Administration, ' Electronic Government: An International Journal, Vol.7, No.4, pp.299-315.(DBLP, Scopus, MetaPress, Inderscience)(*為通訊作者), vol. 268508, Sep. 2010 |
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Daniel Y. Chao;Ting-Yu Chen*;Jiun-Ting Chen;Kuo-Chiang Wu, 2010.09, 'A Best Deadlock Control for S3PMR to Reach All States, ' Asian Journal of Control, Vol.14, No.1, pp.278-283.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 320445, Sep. 2010 |
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Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2010.08, '基於語意網格的政府長期檔案管理系統的開發, ' 四川建材, Vol.36, No.156, pp.180-184.(ISTP)(*為通訊作者), vol. 360265, Aug. 2010 |
2010 |
Johannes K. Chiang;Chen-Wo Kuo*;Yu-Hsiang Yang*, 2010.08, 'A Bibliometric Study of E-learning Literature on SSCI Database / LNCS, ' Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.6249.(EI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 318984, Aug. 2010 |