
  • 2019-05-08
  • 林雨儒
Title of the event : Exchanges between Sebastien Soriano, Antonio Casilli and the students : Why GAFAM needs to be regulated and how do we do that?)
 - Presentation of Sébastien Soriano : How to regulate GAFAM ? What is the role of individuals in such a regulation ?
- Presentation of Antonio Casilli : How digital and social networks changed individuals the society ? What is the opportunity for individuals in GAFAM regulation ?
- Q&A
科技五霸權GAFAM(Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft),限制人類的自由選擇權,並掌握公眾網路空間。法國國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)主席Sebastien Soriano及巴黎理工學院數位人文教授Antonio Casilli探討法國如何規範科技霸權(GAFAM)及對民眾的影響。
Big Tech 公司常希望將使用者被綁在他們的生態系統中。藉由使用這些服務,我們助長這些大公司變為霸權,甚至達到了讓他們擁有權力的程度。在很多案例中,他們限制了使用者自由選擇的權利、阻礙進爭對手的發展並管轄了公眾的網路空間。我們需要將權力從大公司手中拿回,並重新分配給使用者、新創公司和社會。Arcep提出五個針對此問題的提案:反托拉斯、系統監督、裝置中立、數據為共同利益、以API驅動的監管。為了達到此目的,我們仍需要監管機制,一個能下放與分散權力的新監管機制,來排除這些不公平的限制與規則。
Big Tech companies try to lock us into their ecosystems. By using these services, We turned these Big Tech companies into the overlords of our civilization to such an extent that they now have the power, and in many cases, the incentive, to limit our freedom of choice, to block potential rivals and police the public online space. We have to take the power back from Big Tech and redistribute it among users, start-ups, civil society. To deal with this, five proposals that Arcep has done: antitrust rules, systemic supervision, device neutrality, data as common good, API-driven regulation. To achieve this, we still need regulation. A new breed of regulation, designed to redistribute power to the many.

Sébastien Soriano was appointed the Chairman of Arcep (the French telecom regulator) in 2015. He was BEREC Chair 2017 (the European telecom body) and is still BEREC Vice-Chair 2018. Mr. Soriano has spent most of his career in digital policies, competition, and telecoms regulation areas. He started his career at the French Competition Authority, between 2001 and 2004, as a case handler and then as Deputy General Rapporteur, between 2009 and 2012. Between 2004 and 2009, he held various positions at Arcep. From 2012 through 2014, he was the Chief of Staff of Mrs. Fleur Pellerin, French Minister for SMEs, Innovation, and Communication. Prior to his appointment as Chairman of Arcep, he was Special Advisor to the French Minister for Culture and Communication. Mr. Soriano published several papers on the challenges of regulators and lawmakers in the digital era. He also teaches regulation and digital economy in the Master's programme in Public Policy at SciencesPo.
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR of Digital Humanities (HDR) at the Telecommunication College of the Paris Institute of Technology RESEARCHER at the Interdisciplinary Institute on Innovation (i3), an institute of the French CNRS(巴黎理工大學通訊學院數位人文教授)
Antonio A. Casilli is an associate professor of Digital Humanities
(HDR) at the Telecommunication College of the Paris Institute of Technology (Télécom ParisTech) and a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute on Innovation (i3), an institute of the French CNRS. His main research foci are computer-mediated communication, health, and politics. He also deals with advanced ethno-computational methods and agent-based simulations for social science. Since 2009, he has been coordinating several international research projects focussing on social networks and online communities and privacy. In addition to several scientific publications in French, English, and Italian, he is the author of "En attendant les robots"
(Waiting for Robots, Paris: Seuil, 2019), an inquiry into the working conditions of underpaid humans who make artificial intelligence possible.