
年度 論文名稱
1993 Lin, Woo-Tsong*;Jinn-Chyun Chang, 1993.09, 'An Object-Oriented Analysis Approach in Modeling Manufacturing Systems, ' Second International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, GINTIC Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Nanyang Technological University, pp.391-397.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 1993
1993 湯宗益, 1993.08, 'An Empirical Study of the Role of Human-Computer Interaction:Is Planning in Taiwan, ' The 5th Inernational Conference on Human-Computer Interaction., Aug. 1993
1993 王立志*;林我聰, 1993.07, '整合性生產管理系統之個體導向系統分析方法, ' 第六屆全國自動化科技研討會.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 1993
1993 楊亨利, 1993.05, 'Database Design Automation, ' 第四屆全國資訊管理研討會., May. 1993
1993 余千智, 1993.05, 'An Object-Oriented Development Process for Multimedia videotex Applications, ' The 1993 Pan Pacific Conference on Information Systems., May. 1993
1993 余千智, 1993.04, '專案管理專家決策支援系統之建構與應用, ' 中國機械工程學會第三次工業工程學術會議暨海峽兩岸工業工程研討會論文集, pp.780-786., Apr. 1993
1993 吳宗成;黃世禎;盧希鵬;楊亨利, 1993.03, '管理資訊系統實驗室規劃, ' 第八屆全國技術及職業教育研討會--農業商業類., Mar. 1993
1993 吳宗成;黃世禎;盧希鵬;楊亨利, 1993.03, '管理資訊系統實驗室規劃, ' 第八屆全國技術及職業教育研討會--農業商業類., Mar. 1993
1993 苑守慈, 1993, 'Knowledge-Based Decision Model Construction for Hierarchical Diagnosis, ' International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence., 1993
1993 蔡瑞煌*, 1993, 'The Softening Learning Algorithm., ' 5th UNB Artificial Intelligence Symposium, pp.53-58.(*為通訊作者), 1993