姓名 曾一凡
聯絡電話 88137
職稱 助理教授
年度 論文名稱
2024 Yi-Fan Tseng*;Zi-Yuan Liu;Raylin Tso, 2024.01, 'Predicate Encryption with Selective-Opening Security for Receivers: Formal Definition, Generic Construction, and Concrete Instantiations for Several Primitives, ' Designs, Codes and Cryptography, pp.1-1.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 115507, Jan. 2024
2023 Zi-Yuan Liu;Masahiro Mambo*;Raylin Tso*;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2023.12, 'Anonymous hierarchical identity-based encryption with delegated traceability for cloud-based data sharing systems, ' Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol.89, pp.103817.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 115506, Dec. 2023
2023 Yi-Fan Tseng*, 2023.10, 'Attribute Hiding Subset Predicate Encryption: Quantum-Resistant Construction with Efficient Decryption, ' Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol.88, pp.103796.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 114063, Oct. 2023
2023 Zi-Yuan Liu;Yi-Fan Tseng*;Raylin Tso, 2023.08, 'Cryptanalysis of a round optimal lattice-based multisignature scheme, ' Information Processing Letters, Vol.182, pp.106364.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 102614, Aug. 2023
2023 Chun-I Fan;Cheng-Han Shie;Yi-Fan Tseng*;Hui-Chun Huang, 2023.03, 'An Efficient Data Protection Scheme Based on Hierarchical ID-Based Encryption for MQTT, ' ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol.3, No.61, pp.1-21.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 101713, Mar. 2023
2022 Zi-Yuan Liu;Yi-Fan Tseng*;Raylin Tso;Masahiro Mambo;Yu-Chi Chen, 2022.10, 'Public-key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search: A Generic Construction and Its Quantum-resistant Instantiation, ' Computer Journal, Vol.65, No.10, pp.2828-2844.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439119, Oct. 2022
2022 Cheng-Yi Lee;Zi-Yuan Liu;Raylin Tso*;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2022.09, 'Privacy-preserving bidirectional keyword search over encrypted data for cloud-assisted IIoT, ' Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol.130, pp.102642.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439158, Sep. 2022
2022 Zi-Yuan Liu;Yi-Fan Tseng;Raylin Tso*;Yu-Chi Chen;Masahiro Mambo, 2022.09, 'Identity-Certifying Authority-Aided Identity-Based Searchable Encryption Framework in Cloud Systems, ' IEEE Systems Journal, Vol.16, No.3, pp.4629-4640.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439150, Sep. 2022
2022 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan*;Zi-Cheng Liu, 2022.08, 'Fast Keyword Search over Encrypted Data with Short Ciphertext in Clouds, ' Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol.70, pp.103320.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439421, Aug. 2022
2022 Zi-Yuan Liu;Yi-Fan Tseng;Raylin Tso*;Peter ShaojuiWang;Qin-WenSu, 2022.06, 'Extension of elliptic curve Qu–Vanstone certificates and their applications, ' Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol.67, pp.103176.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439154, Jun. 2022
2022 Yi-Fan Tseng*;Yan-Bin Lin, 2022.05, 'A Novel Undeniable (t, n)-Threshold Signature with Cheater Identification, ' Symmetry, Vol.14, No.6, pp.1-1.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439157, May. 2022
2022 Chun-I Fan;Ya-Wen Hsu;Cheng-Han Shie*;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2022.05, 'ID-Based Multi-Receiver Homomorphic Proxy Re-Encryption in Federated Learning, ' ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol.18, No.4, pp.1-25.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439155, May. 2022
2022 Zi-Yuan Liu;Yi-Fan Tseng;Raylin Tso*;Masahiro Mambo;Yu-Chi Chen, 2022.03, 'Quantum-resistant Anonymous IBE with Traceable Identities, ' IET Information Security, Vol.16, No.2, pp.111-126.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439152, Mar. 2022
2022 Yi-Fan Tseng*;Shih-Jie Gao, 2022.01, 'Decentralized Inner-Product Encryption with Constant-Size Ciphertext, ' Applied Sciences, Vol.12, No.2, pp.636.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439153, Jan. 2022
2021 Yi-Fan Tseng;Zi-Yuan Liu*;Raylin Tso, 2021.09, 'A Generic Construction of Predicate Proxy Key Re-encapsulation Mechanism, ' Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.22, No.5, pp.1185-1197.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439149, Sep. 2021
2021 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan*, 2021.06, 'Anonymous Multireceiver Identity-Based Encryption against Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks with Tight Reduction in the Standard Model, ' Security and Communication Networks, Vol.2021, pp.1-1.(EI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 432708, Jun. 2021
2021 Zi-Yuan Liu;Yi-Fan Tseng*;Raylin Tso;Masahiro Mambo, 2021.05, 'Designated-ciphertext searchable encryption, ' Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol.58, pp.102709.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 432707, May. 2021
2021 Yi-Fan Tseng;Zi-Yuan Liu*;Jen-Chieh Hsu;Raylin Tso, 2021.02, 'Private Predicate Encryption for Inner Product from Key-homomorphic Pseudorandom Function, ' Security and Communication Networks, Vol.2021, pp.1-1.(EI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 432705, Feb. 2021
2020 Yi-Fan Tseng;Zi-Yuan Liu*;Raylin Tso, 2020.12, 'Practical Inner Product Encryption with Constant Private Key, ' APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, Vol.10, No.23, pp.8669.(SCIE, SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 429313, Dec. 2020
2019 Raylin Tso*;Zi-Yuan Liu;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2019.12, 'Identity-based Blind Multisignature from Lattices, ' IEEE ACCESS, Vol.7, pp.182316-182923.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 432704, Dec. 2019
2019 Chun-I Fan*;Yi-Fan Tseng;Hui-Po Su;Ruei-Hau Hsu;Hiroaki Kikuchi, 2019.11, 'Secure hierarchical Bitcoin wallet scheme against privilege escalation attacks, ' International Journal of Information Security, pp.1-11.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 429655, Nov. 2019
2019 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan;Si-Jing Wu;Hsin-Nan Kuo;Jheng-Jia Huang, 2019.10, 'Cryptanalysis and Improvement on Wang et al.'s Attribute-Based Searchable Encryption Scheme, ' International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol.9, No.5, pp.634-643.(EI, SCOPUS), vol. 429646, Oct. 2019
2019 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan;Ching-Wen Chen, 2019.09, 'Top-Level Secure Certificateless Signature Scheme in the Standard Model, ' IEEE Systems Journal, Vol.13, No.3, pp.2763-2774.(SCI), vol. 429643, Sep. 2019
2019 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan;Cheng-Wei Sung, 2019.07, 'On the Anonymity of Multi-Receiver Identity-Based Encryption Based on Fujisaki-Okamoto Transformation, ' International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol.30, No.4, pp.493-509.(SCI), vol. 429641, Jul. 2019
2019 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng*;Yi-Hui Lin;Fangguo Zhang, 2019.05, 'Storage-Saving Bi-Dimensional Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation in Smart Grids, ' Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.20, No.3, pp.955-962.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 429647, May. 2019
2019 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan;Chih-Wen Lin, 2019.03, 'Provably Secure Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption from Identity-Based Encryption, ' Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol.25, No.3, pp.182-202.(SCI), vol. 429642, Mar. 2019
2019 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan;Chin-Yu Wu, 2019.03, 'FGAC-NDN: Fine-Grained Access Control for Named Data Networks, ' IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol.16, No.1, pp.143-152.(SCI), vol. 429640, Mar. 2019
2018 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan, 2018.11, 'Provably CCA-Secure Anonymous Multi-Receiver Certificateless Authenticated Encryption, ' Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.34, No.6, pp.1517-1541.(SCI), vol. 429645, Nov. 2018
2018 Yu-Lun Chuang;Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2018.10, 'An Efficient Algorithm for Shortest Vector Problem, ' IEEE Access, Vol.6, pp.61478-61487.(SCI), vol. 429650, Oct. 2018
2018 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan;Yan-Fu Cho, 2018.08, 'An authenticated re‐encryption scheme for secure file transfer in named data networks, ' International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol.31, No.11, pp.e3571.(SCI), vol. 429644, Aug. 2018
2018 Chien-Nan Wu;Chun-I Fan;Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng;Hiroaki Kikuchi, 2018.07, 'Probably Secure Efficient Anonymous Credential Scheme, ' International Journal of Software Innovation, Vol.6, No.3, pp.18-35.(SCOPUS), vol. 429652, Jul. 2018
2018 Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng;Qi-Liang Yang;Chun-I Fan, 2018.06, 'A Lattice-Based Group Authentication Scheme, ' Applied Sciences, Vol.8, No.6, pp.987.(SCI), vol. 429651, Jun. 2018
2017 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng;Jheng-Jia Huang;Shih-Fen Chen;Hiroaki Kikuchi, 2017.07, 'Multireceiver Predicate Encryption for Online Social Networks, ' IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, Vol.3, No.2, pp.388-403.(SCI), vol. 429648, Jul. 2017
2016 Shi-Yuan Huang;Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2016.09, 'Enabled/Disabled Predicate Encryption in Clouds, ' Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.62, pp.148-160.(SCI), vol. 429653, Sep. 2016
2015 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2015.10, 'Anonymous Multi-Receiver Identity-Based Authenticated Encryption with CCA Security, ' Symmetry, Vol.7, No.4, pp.1856-1881.(SCI), vol. 429649, Oct. 2015
2014 Chun-I Fan;Pei-Hsiu Ho;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2014.04, 'Strongly Secure Certificateless Signature Scheme Supporting Batch Verification, ' Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2014, pp.11 pages.(SCI), vol. 429654, Apr. 2014
年度 論文名稱
2023 Jheng-Jia Huang;Chih Yang;Wei-Hsueh Wang;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2023.12, 'Securing NLP Systems: A Comprehensive AI-Based Approach, ' 2023 International Conference on Security and Information Technologies with AI, Internet Computing and Big-data Applications (SITAIBA 2023), Taiwan E-Security Analysis and Management Association (E-SAM)., Dec. 2023
2023 Yi-Fan Tseng*;Wen-Yi Chen;You-Qian Chen;Jheng-Jia Huang, 2023.12, 'Cryptanaylsis to Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption of Liu et al and Amirthavalli et al, ' Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Taiwan E-Security Analysis and Management Association (E-SAM), pp.1-1.(EI)(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2023
2023 曾一凡*;孫士勝;呂宜學, 2023.11, '對WN23密鑰策略屬性加密機制之密碼分析, ' 2023 全國計算機會議, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2023
2023 Yi-Fan Tseng*;Chun-Lin Huang;Pin-Hao Chen;Jheng-Jia Huang, 2023.11, 'A Novel Secure File Transfer Protocol for Digital Content Platform, ' 2023 National Computer Symposium, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2023
2023 Yi-Fan Tseng;Jheng-Jia Huang*;Guan-Yu Chen;Wei-Hsueh Wang;Yi-Hsueh Lu;Wen-Yi Chen;Shih-Pei Kao, 2023.08, 'A Novel Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Supporting Dual Membership, ' 18th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2023
2023 Jheng-Jia Huang;Wei-Hsueh Wang;Yi-Fan Tseng*;Guan-Yu Chen;Hao-Hsiang Chang Chien;Wen-Yan Dai;Nai-Wei Lo, 2023.08, 'Anonymous and Unlinkable Identity Scheme in Open Data Environment, ' 18th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2023
2023 Yi-Fan Tseng*;Pin-Hao Chen, 2023.07, 'Cryptanalysis and Improvement to Two Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Schemes for Weighted Threshold Gates, ' 13th International Conference on Frontier Computing, IET Taipei Local Network.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2023
2023 Yi-Fan Tseng*;Chih-Tsen Yang;Pin-Hao Chen, 2023.06, 'Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption Schemes Supporting Traitor Tracing from Quadratic Residues, ' The 2023 Cryptology and Information Security Conference (CISC 2023), National Chung Cheng University.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2023
2022 Zi-Yuan Liu;Chu-Chieh Chien;Yi-Fan Tseng;Raylin Tso*;Masahiro Mambo, 2022.11, 'Public Key Encryption with Hierarchical Authorized Keyword Search, ' The 25th Annual International Conference onInformation Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2022), Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2022
2022 Yu-Chen Liao;Raylin Tso*;Zi-Yuan Liu;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2022.11, 'Blockchain-based Confidential Payment System with Controllable Regulation, ' LNCS,volume 13620, National Dong Hwa University, pp.39-56.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2022
2022 Yi-Hsiu Lee;Zi-Yuan Liu;Raylin Tso*;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2022.11, 'Blockchain-based Self-sovereign Identity System with Attribute-based Issuance, ' LNCS,volume 13620, National Dong Hwa University, pp.21-38.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2022
2022 Jing-Shiuan You;Zi-Yuan Liu;Raylin Tso*;Yi-Fan Tseng;Masahiro Mambo, 2022.08, 'Quantum-resistant 1-out-of-N Oblivious Signatures from Lattices, ' Advances in Information and Computer Security. IWSEC 2022, Rikkyo University, pp.166-186.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2022
2022 Yi-Fan Tseng*;Hao-Yu Yang;Chieh-Han Wu;Tsung-Yu Chien;Raylin Tso;Zi Yuan Liu;Jen-Chieh Hsu, 2022.08, 'Cryptanalysis to Ming et al.’s Revocable Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption, ' 2022 17th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), Hebei University, pp.-.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2022
2022 Yi-Fan Tseng;Jheng-Jia Huang*;Hao-Yu Yang;Tsung-Yu Chien;Chieh-Han Wu, 2022.08, 'Cryptanalysis and Discussion on Two Attribute-Based Encryption Schemes, ' 2022 17th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), Hebei University, pp.-.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2022
2022 Jing-Shiuan You;Zi-Yuan Liu;Raylin Tso*;Yi-Fan Tseng;Masahiro Mambo, 2022.08, 'Quantum-resistant 1-out-of-N Oblivious Signatures from Lattices, ' LNCS,volume 13504, Rikkyo University, pp.166-186.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2022
2022 曾一凡*, 2022.06, 'A Novel Anonymous Identity-Based Encryption, ' The 2022 Cryptology and Information Security Conference (CISC 2022), National Chin-Yi University of Technology.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2022
2022 Zi-Yuan Liu;Yi-Fan Tseng;Raylin Tso*;Masahiro Mambo;Yu-Chi Chen, 2022.05, 'Public-key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search: Cryptanalysis, Enhanced Security, and Quantum-resistant Instantiation, ' ASIA CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, -, pp.423-436.(*為通訊作者), May. 2022
2021 Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng;Nai-Wei Lo;Shao-Wei Tung;Wen-Yan Dai, 2021.11, 'Lightweight and Efficient Source Authentication Scheme Based on Blockchain Approach in Open Data Environment, ' 2021 International Conference on Security and Information Technologies with AI, Internet Computing and Big-data Applications, National Chung Hsing University, pp.-.(EI), Nov. 2021
2021 Yi-Fan Tseng*, 2021.11, 'Cryptanalysis to Sowjanya et al.’s Attribute-Based Encryptions from Elliptic Curve Cryptography, ' 2021 International Conference on Security and Information Technologies with AI, Internet Computing and Big-data Applications, National Chung Hsing University, pp.-.(EI)(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2021
2021 Yan-Bin Lin;Yi-Fan Tseng*, 2021.11, 'Cryptanalysis on Lin and Wu’s Undeniable (t, n)-Threshold Signature Scheme with Cheater Identification, ' 2021 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, pp.1-2.(EI)(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2021
2021 Chih-Chen Yang;Raylin Tso;Zi-Yuan Liu;Jen-Chieh Hsu;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2021.08, 'Improved Proxy Re-encryption Scheme with Equality Test, ' 2021 16th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), Seoul University of Foreign Studies, pp.37-44.(EI), Aug. 2021
2021 Yi-Fan Tseng;Jheng-Jia Huang*, 2021.08, 'Identity-Based Signature from Quadratic Residues and Its Application to ID-Based Multi-Signature, ' 2021 16th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), Seoul University of Foreign Studies, pp.31-36.(EI)(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2021
2021 Yi-Fan Tseng*, 2021.08, 'Identity-Based Signature Scheme over Conic Curve Cyclic Groups, ' The 2021 Cryptology and Information Security Conference, National Taiwan Normal University.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2021
2021 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng*;Cheng-Chun Feng, 2021.01, 'CCA-Secure Attribute-Based Encryption Supporting Dynamic Membership in the Standard Model, ' 2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC), The University of Aizu, pp.1-8.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2021
2021 Yi-Fan Tseng;Shih-Jie Gao, 2021.01, 'Efficient Subset Predicate Encryption for Internet of Things, ' 2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC), The University of Aizu, pp.1-2., Jan. 2021
2020 Yi-Fan Tseng;Jheng-Jia Huang, 2020.12, 'Cryptanalysis on Two Pairing-Free Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Schemes, ' 2020 International Computer Symposium (ICS), National Cheng Kung University, pp.403-407., Dec. 2020
2020 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng*;Yen-Lin Huang, 2020.08, 'Key-Aggregate Proxy Re-Encryption with Dynamic Condition Generation Using Multilinear Map, ' 2020 15th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), National Chengchi University, pp.9-15.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2020
2020 Yi-Fan Tseng;Zi-Yuan Liu;Raylin Tso, 2020.08, 'A Generic Construction of Predicate Proxy Key Re-encapsulation Mechanism, ' 2020 15th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), National Chengchi University, pp.1-8., Aug. 2020
2020 Yi-Fan Tseng;Zi-Yuan Liu*;Raylin Tso, 2020.07, 'Practical Predicate Encryption for Inner Product, ' the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications - Volume 3: SECRYPT, University of Paris, pp.553-558.(DBLP, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2020
2019 Siyuan Zhang;Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng;Jheng-Jia Huang;Yu-Tse Shih;Hsin-Nan Kuo;Cheng-Han Shie, 2019.12, 'Dynamic Blockchain Storage Scheme Based on Sidechains, ' 2019 Annual Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, ACEAT Committee., Dec. 2019
2019 Zi-Yuan Liu;Raylin Tso;Yi-Fan Tseng;Masahiro Mambo, 2019.08, 'Signcryption from NTRU Lattices Without Random Oracles, ' The 14th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security, Integrated Research Center of Kobe University., Aug. 2019
2019 Han Gao;Chun-I Fan;Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng;Hsin-Nan Kuo;Yu-Tse Shih, 2019.07, 'Anonymous Fair P2P-Lending Scheme, ' The International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science, HOTEL MYSTAYS SHIN OSAKA CONFERENCE CENTER., Jul. 2019
2019 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng;Chen-Hsi Cheng;Hsin-Nan Kuo;Jheng-Jia Huang, 2019.04, 'Anonymous Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for LTE Networks, ' 2019 2nd International Conference on Communication Engineering and Technology, Nagoya Institute of Technology.(EI, SCOPUS), Apr. 2019
2019 Yi-Fan Tseng*;Chun-I Fan;Si-Jing Wu;Hsin-Nan Kuo;Jheng-Jia Huang, 2019.01, 'Cryptanalysis and Improvement on Wang et al.'s Attribute-Based Searchable Encryption, ' The 9th International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology.(EI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2019
2018 Wei-Hao Chen;Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2018.12, 'Efficient Key-Aggregate Proxy Reencryption for Secure Data Sharing in Clouds, ' IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, National Sun Yat-sen University., Dec. 2018
2018 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng;Hui-Po Su;Ruei-Hau Hsu;Hiroaki Kikuchi, 2018.12, 'Secure Hierarchical Bitcoin Wallet Scheme Against Privilege Escalation Attacks, ' IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, National Sun Yat-sen University., Dec. 2018
2018 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng;Jheng-Jia Huang;Yen-Hao Chen;Hsin-Nan Kuo, 2018.10, 'Verifiable Privacy- Preserving Payment Mechanism for Smart Grids, ' The 11th International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, --., Oct. 2018
2018 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng;Cheng-Yuan E;Jheng-Jia Huang, 2018.08, 'Transformation Between Attribute-Based Encryption and Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem, ' The 13th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security, 桂林電子科技大學., Aug. 2018
2018 Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng;Qi-Liang Yang;Chun-I Fan, 2018.03, 'A Lattice-Based Group Authentication Scheme, ' The International Conference on Smart Science, EDITROIAL OFFICE of SMART SCIENCE.(EI), Mar. 2018
2017 Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng;Yi-Hui Lin;Fangguo Zhang, 2017.12, 'Storage-Saving Bi-Dimensional Privacy- Preserving Data Aggregation in Smart Grids, ' International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-Data Services, 國立東華大學.(EI), Dec. 2017
2017 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan, 2017.12, 'Cryptanalysis on the Anonymity of Li et al.’s Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme, ' National Computer Symposium, 東華大學資訊工程學系., Dec. 2017
2017 Yi-Fan Tseng;Chun-I Fan;Ting-Chuan Kung;Jheng-Jia Huang;Hsin-Nan Kuo, 2017.10, 'Homomorphic Encryption Supporting Logical Operation, ' International Conference on Telecommunications and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology.(EI, SCOPUS), Oct. 2017
2017 Chien-Nan Wu;Chun-I Fan;Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng;Hiroaki Kikuchi, 2017.07, 'An Efficient Signature Scheme for Anonymous Credentials, ' The 5th International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology, --., Jul. 2017
2016 Jheng-Jia Huang*;Wen-Shenq Juang;Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng;Hiroaki Kikuchi, 2016.11, 'Lightweight Authentication Scheme with Dynamic Group Members in IoT Environments, ' The 13th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, --.(EI)(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2016
2016 Chun-I Fan;Jian-Sheng Wang;Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng;Wen-Shenq Juang;Hiroaki Kikuchi, 2016.09, 'Flexible Authentication Protocol with Key Reconstruction in WBAN Environments, ' 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, --., Sep. 2016
2015 Chun-I Fan;Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng;Huang-Kai Chu, 2015.12, 'Mutually Anonymous Fair Exchange Protocol with Offline Third Party, ' The 7th International Conference on Internet, --., Dec. 2015
2015 Chun-I Fan;Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2015.08, 'Attribute and Relation Based Encryption for Social Networks, ' Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, --., Aug. 2015
2015 Chun-I Fan;Han-Wei Hsiao;Chun-Han Chou;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2015.07, 'Malware Detection System Based on API Log Data Mining, ' The 2015 IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, --., Jul. 2015
2015 Chun-I Fan;Yu-Chi Lin;Yi-Fan Tseng;Jheng-Jia Huang, 2015.07, 'Efficient Platform for Traceable Collaborative Workflow Based on Bi-Trapdoor Hash Function, ' The Fourth International Conference on Informatics & Applications, SDIWC., Jul. 2015
2015 Chun-I Fan*;Chien-Nan Wu;Chun-Lung Chen;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2015.05, 'Attribute-Based Proxy Re-Encryption with Dynamic Membership, ' The 10th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security, National Sun Yat-sen University.(*為通訊作者), May. 2015
2014 Chun-I Fan;Chien-Nan Wu;Jen-Chun Hsu;Yi-Fan Tseng;Wen-Tsuen Chen, 2014.09, 'Anonymous Credential Scheme Supporting Active Revocation, ' The 9th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security, Hubei University of Technology.(EI), Sep. 2014
2013 Chun-I Fan;Pei-Hsiu Ho;Jheng-Jia Huang;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2013.07, 'Secure Certificateless Signature Scheme Supporting Batch Verification, ' The 8th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security, --., Jul. 2013
計畫類別 年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
科技部 113 適用於區塊鏈之後量子帳戶安全機制研究與開發 曾一凡 計畫主持人 2024.08 ~ 2025.07 國科會
科技部 113 金融科技應用中的前瞻資安技術開發(2/2) 左瑞麟,左瑞麟,曾一凡,陳恭,郁方,蕭舜文,紀博文,黃思皓,楊明豪,羅嘉寧 共同主持人 2024.06 ~ 2025.05 國科會
科技部 112 金融科技應用中的前瞻資安技術開發(1/2) 曾一凡 共同主持人 2023.06 ~ 2024.05 國立政治大學
科技部 112 金融科技應用中的前瞻資安技術開發(1/2) 左瑞麟,曾一凡,陳恭,郁方,蕭舜文,紀博文,黃思皓,楊明豪,羅嘉寧 共同主持人 2023.06 ~ 2024.05 國科會
科技部 111 適用於聯盟鏈環境下密碼機制之研究 曾一凡 計畫主持人 2022.08 ~ 2023.09 國科會
科技部 111 金融資安與數位貨幣之關鍵技術研發(2/2) 曾一凡 共同主持人 2022.05 ~ 2023.04 國立政治大學
科技部 111 金融資安與數位貨幣之關鍵技術研發(2/2) 左瑞麟,曾一凡,陳恭,王智弘,陳昱圻 共同主持人 2022.05 ~ 2023.07 國科會
科技部 110 適用於聯盟鏈環境下密碼機制之研究 曾一凡 計畫主持人 2021.08 ~ 2022.07 國科會
科技部 110 金融資安與數位貨幣之關鍵技術研發(1/2) 曾一凡,陳恭,王智弘,陳昱圻,左瑞麟 共同主持人 2021.05 ~ 2022.06 國科會
科技部 110 金融資安與數位貨幣之關鍵技術研發(1/2) 曾一凡 共同主持人 2021.05 ~ 2022.06 國立政治大學
科技部 108 具高效率與可證明安全之內積加密機制(2/2) 曾一凡 計畫主持人 2020.10 ~ 2021.09 國科會
科技部 109 隱私感知智慧城市資料流通與加值應用開發技術-子計畫四:支持智慧 城市脈動之隱私保護技術 曾一凡 共同主持人 2020.08 ~ 2023.07 國立政治大學
科技部 108 具高效率與可證明安全之內積加密機制(1/2) 曾一凡,曾一凡 計畫主持人 2019.10 ~ 2021.09 國科會
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
台灣,中華民國 中山大學 資訊工程研究所 博士 2014.09 ~ 2018.09
經歷類別 服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
校內本職 政治大學 資訊科學系 助理教授 2020.02 ~ 迄今
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
校內 111 學術研究優良獎 政治大學