商學院博士班辦公室將於2019/09月07日(六)辦理招生說明會,歡迎有志報告博士班的學子參與! 本次招生說明共兩場,分別為博士班學術組及博士班產業組,場次及時間詳見如下:
NCCUC Office of Doctoral Programs would like to announce that our PhD & DBA admission information sessions for year 2020’s student intake will be held on 7th September (Sat.). We encourage the aspiring young scholars to register the info sessions to find out more of our doctoral programs!
4 reasons you should study at NCCUC
- 頂尖師資陣容及教研團隊
- 博士生跨國聯合培育計畫
- 整合全院資源與就業輔導
- 多項獎助學金與研究補助
日期 Date:
(Sat.) 7th Sept. 2019
地點 Location:
6th Floor, Yuanta Conference Hall of Humanities
時間 Agenda:
14:00-15:00 商學院學術組招生說明 PhD Admission Information Session
15:10-16:30 商學院產業組招生說明 DBA Admission Information Session
16:40-17:00 商學院博士班獎學金介紹 Intro to NCCUC Scholarships
活動報名連結 Event Registration :