PACIS 2018 Doctoral Consortium (Due 3/23)

  • 2018-03-13
PACIS 2018 
Doctoral Consortium 
Royal Park Hotel, Yokohama, Japan 
June 26-27, 2018 
PACIS is an annual conference of AIS Region 3 (Pacific Asia). Each year it attracts 700-800 international scholars to attend the events and exchange knowledge.  DC is a pre-Conference event. Afterwards the DC attendees can participate in the main conference during June 28-30.  

*** Important Dates *** 
Nomination Deadline     March 23, 2018 
Notification of Acceptance    April 20, 2018 
*** Call for Nominations *** 
Universities are invited to nominate candidates for the consortium. Eligible candidates are Ph.D. students in Information Systems (IS), who have developed a plan for pursuing their dissertation, and would benefit from constructive feedback from senior faculty in the field. The consortium aims to provide doctoral students with an opportunity to share their research ideas and network with peers and experienced scholars serving as faculty advisors. Participating students will receive high quality feedback from faculty advisors, who are eminent researchers in the field, associated with leading institutions around the globe, serving in senior editorial positions in the field’s top journals. This consortium will be a significant event for emerging IS researchers in the Asia Pacific region. 
*** Nomination Eligibility *** 
•    Ph.D. students who are currently working on a doctoral dissertation in Information Systems, and whose research has progressed to the point where a clear plan of investigation has been laid out, but there is sufficient scope for changes to this plan based on feedback from the consortium. 
•    The ideal consortium candidate should have chosen a theoretical approach and initiated planning or implementation of empirical work, but should have at least six months of work remaining at the time of the consortium. 
•    The nominated candidates must be sufficiently proficient in English to participate in the consortium, since the language of the consortium will be English. 
•    While priority will be given to students from institutions in the Asia-Pacific region (AIS Region 3), applicants from other AIS regions will be considered subject to spare seats. 
DC Co-Chairs:
Ho Geun Lee, Yonsei University, Korea
Eldon Y. Li, National Chengchi University, Taiwan 
For complete "Call for Nominations" document, please visit