Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
趙玉, 'The Phase-Locked Loop Approach In Network Time Protocol(NTP), '., Sep. 2024
湯宗益, 'Identification of Strategic Information Systems Methodologiesplementtion in Taiwan, ' First Conference on Case Method & Research on Asian Business Management., Sep. 2024
湯宗益, 'An Exploratory Assessment on Information Centers in Taiwan:Services,Usage,and strategic Planning, ' IABD., Sep. 2024
管郁君, '資訊科技策略與企業策略之搭配對企業競爭優勢之影響:我國高科技產業之現況, ' 中華民國科技管理研討會., Sep. 2024
趙玉;Wang, 'Real-Time AI Application For Digital Signal Processing, ' Proc SICICI 92''., Sep. 2024
管郁君, 'Mean cycle time analysis of cyclic reservation multiple access protocol, ' Processding of 19th Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks., Sep. 2024
趙玉, 'Properties Of Generalized Higher Order Hopfield Networks, ' IJCNN 92''., Sep. 2024
趙玉, 'Searching for the Orthogonal States of a Neural Network, ' RNNS/IEEE Symp.., Sep. 2024
趙玉;Wang, 'Interface between LDL and Ingres, ' 92''Summer Computing Simulation Symposium., Sep. 2024
湯宗益, 'An Investigation of the Effectiness of IS Stategic Planning and Implementation in Taiwan, ' IABD., Sep. 2024