Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
2003 苑守慈, 2003, 'Contextualized Behavior Mining for Event Prediction in Telematics, ' Conference of Information Management., 2003
2003 Chiahsin Cheng;苑守慈, 2003, 'A Study on Ontology-Based Coupled Clustering foe Mobile Marketing, ' International Conference of Information Management, 台灣., 2003
2003 苑守慈;Kwei-Jay Lin, 2003, 'WISE-Building Simple Intelligence into Web Services, ' IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence, Canada., 2003
2003 余千智, 2003, '企業模式導向的電子化企業個案研究, ' 2003年第五屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東., 2003
2003 余千智, 2003, '全球資訊網智慧型決策支援系統在個人化財務管理服務之應用研究, ' 國科會九十一年度管理二學門專題研究計畫成果發表會, 國科會., 2003
2003 余千智, 2003, '國際數位落差的評比架構:以台灣及鄰近亞洲國家的比較為例, ' 創新資訊科技政策與數位社會國際學術研討會, 台北., 2003
2003 余千智, 2003, 'A Business Model Framework for E-Business Planning, Proceedings of the First International E-Services Workshop, ' The 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Pittsburgh, PA, USA., 2003
2003 楊建民, 2003, '團隊組織結構中兩人賽局策略之初探, ' 第十四屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, .., 2003
2003 Tsaih, R.*, 2003, 'A Face-Point Based Algorithm for Linear Programming Problems, ' Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) 2003 International Conference, pp.609-614.(*為通訊作者), 2003
2003 苑守慈, 2003, 'Building Simple Intelligence into Web Services, ' Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2003 Workshop on Web Services and Agent-Based Engineering., 2003