Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
1988 楊建民, 1988.06, '管理資訊教育問題之省與思--由適域化觀點談起, ' 資管評論, No.1., vol. 120086, Jun. 1988
1988 余千智, 1988, '軟體整合與決策支援系統產生器--幾個片面的相關實例, '., vol. 120052, 1988
1988 余千智, 1988, '國立政治大學管理資訊系統教育之課程架構, '., vol. 120051, 1988
1988 J. S. Pang; J. M. Yang, 1988, 'Two-stage Parallel Iterative Methods for the Symmetric Linear Complementarity Problem, ' Annals of Operations Research: Parallel Optimization on Novel Computer Architectures, Vol.14.(SCI), vol. 120085, 1988
1988 J.S.Pang;J. M. Yang, 1988, 'Parallel Newton Methods for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem, ' Mathematical Programming Study, Vol.42, No.2.(SCI), vol. 120084, 1988
1986 姜國輝*, 1986.02, '以雷射掃瞄器與群組技術為核心之線上量測系統, ' 機械工業月刊,.(*為通訊作者), vol. 255609, Feb. 1986
1986 趙玉;Tsai, W. T., 1986, 'Synthesis of Two-Party Error Recoverable Protocols, '., vol. 119073, 1986
1986 趙玉;Ramamoorthy, C., 1986, 'A Petri Net Reduction Algorithm for Protocol Analysis, '., vol. 119072, 1986
1984 姜國輝*, 1984.10, '電腦輔助量測系統之架構, ' 工業技術月刊, Vol.資訊月特刊.(*為通訊作者), vol. 255608, Oct. 1984
1982 姜國輝*, 1982.12, 'ITRI-E型機器人之電腦輔助檢測系統, ' 工業技術月刊, Vol.資訊月特刊.(*為通訊作者), vol. 255607, Dec. 1982