Research Expertise E-Commerce, M-Commerce, Smart Living, Knowledge Management, Business Process Reengineering
Teaching Field 電子商務、行動商務、智慧生活、知識管理、企業流程改造
Educational background Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University
Job Title Professor
Year Paper Title
2018 陳宏欣*;管郁君, 2018.07, 'limitstyle里米斯科技:群眾外包設計平台的創新, ' 管理評論, Vol.37, No.2, pp.63-66.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 419136, Jul. 2018
2017 邱銘乾*;管郁君, 2017.07, '家登精密—晶舟盒模具最佳設計, ' 中山個案評論, Vol.25, No.3, pp.646-658.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 419137, Jul. 2017
2017 李鐘培*;管郁君, 2017.04, '滙豐銀行—貿易融資優化, ' 管理評論, Vol.36, No.2, pp.75-82.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 419135, Apr. 2017
2016 Eugenia Huang;Chia-jung Tsui*, 2016.10, 'Assessing Customer Retention in the B2C Electronic Commerce: An Empirical Study, ' Journal of Marketing Analytics, Vol.4, No.4, pp.172-185.(*為通訊作者), vol. 412052, Oct. 2016
2016 陳宏欣*;管郁君, 2016, '北歐櫥窗:虛實整合的兩難, ' 管理評論, Vol.35, No.2, pp.1-18.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 410779, 2016
2015 Eugenia Y. Huang;Sheng-Wei Lin*;Ya-Chu Fan, 2015.03, 'M-S-QUAL: Mobile service quality measurement, ' Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol.14, No.2, pp.126-142.(SSCI, SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 406892, Mar. 2015
2014 Eugenia Huang*;Sheng-Wei Lin, 2014.09, 'How Does E-mail Use Affect Perceived Control of Time?, ' Information & Management, Vol.51, No.6, pp.679-687.(SSCI, DBLP, SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 404108, Sep. 2014
2013 Eugenia Huang*;Kuo-Hua Huang, 2013.05, 'Exploring the effect of boundary objects on knowledge interaction, ' Decision Support Systems, Vol.56, pp.140-147.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 390294, May. 2013
2012 Huang, Eugenia Y.;Huang, Travis, 2012.05, 'Investigating the Antecedents of Users’ Knowledge Sharing Intention, ' Journal of Computer Information systems, Vol.53, No.2, pp.93-102.(AHCI, SCIE, SCI), vol. 365969, May. 2012
2012 Eugenia Y. Huang;Sheng-Wei Lin;Travis K. Huang, 2012.01, 'What type of learning style leads to online participation in the mixed-mode e-learning environment? A study of software usage instruction, ' Computers & Education, Vol.58, No.1, pp.338-349.(SSCI, SCI), vol. 343853, Jan. 2012
2011 Eugenia Y. Huang;Sheng Wei Lin;Shu-Chiung Lin, 2011.01, 'A Quasi-Experiment Approach to Study the Effect of E-mail Management Training, ' Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.27, No.1, pp.522-531.(SSCI), vol. 319990, Jan. 2011
2010 Huang, Eugenia;Liu, Ching-Chi, 2010.02, 'A Study on Trust Building and Its Derived Value in C2C E-Commerce, ' The Journal of Global Business Management, Vol.6, No.1., vol. 315050, Feb. 2010
2009 Eugenia Huang;Sheng Wei Lin, 2009.12, 'DO knowledge workers use e-mail wisely?, ' Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol.50, No.1, pp.65-73.(SCI), vol. 292018, Dec. 2009
2007 管郁君;陳信宏, 2007.03, '從情境觀點探討企業採用跨組織資訊系統之困難- 台灣電腦代工廠的個案研究」, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.15, No.3.(TSSCI), vol. 247032, Mar. 2007
2006 Eugenia Y. Huang, 2006.08, 'Tightening access policy: the hidden tradeoff, ' Communications of the ACM, Vol.49, No.8, pp.85-89.(SCI), vol. 186359, Aug. 2006
2006 Eugenia Y. Huang*;Shu-Chiung Lin, 2006.06, 'How R&D management practice affects innovation performance – an investigation on the high-tech industry in Taiwan, ' Industrial Management and Data System, Vol.106, No.7, pp.966-996.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 206294, Jun. 2006
2005 Eugenia Y. Huang*;Chia-Yu Lin., 2005, 'Customer-oriented financial service personalization, ' Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol.105, No.1, pp.26-44.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 186364, 2005
2005 Eugenia Y. Huang*;Jimmy Huang, 2005, 'The acceptance of women-centric websites, ' Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol.45, No.4, pp.75-83.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 186362, 2005
2005 Eugenia Y. Huang*, 2005, 'Is revamping your website worthwhile?, ' Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol.105, No.6, pp.737-751.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 186361, 2005
2004 管郁君;林淑瓊, 2004.10, 'The relationship between the investment in R&D center and the performance of high-tech firms: A resource-based view., ' Web Journal of Chinese Management Review, Vol.7, No.3, pp.1-18., vol. 243713, Oct. 2004
2004 管郁君;高隆華, 2004, '顧客關係管理應用類別與認知成效之探討, ' 電子商務研究, Vol.2, No.2, pp.137-160., vol. 186367, 2004
2004 Eugenia Y. Huang;Chien-Hsin Huang;Shu-Chiung Lin, 2004, 'A case study of knowledge worker team in virtual community, ' International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol.2, No.2, pp.123-141., vol. 186365, 2004
2003 管郁君;林信宇, 2003.02, '影響台灣地區ISP業市場優勢之因素, ' 中國科技發展精典文庫第二輯,., vol. 154327, Feb. 2003
2003 Eugenia Y. Huang;Ming-Tsung Liu, 2003, 'Mobile Internet service usability in Taiwan, ' Communications of the IIMA, Vol.3, No.4., vol. 186371, 2003
2002 管郁君;林信宇, 2002.04, '影響我國ISP 業市場優勢之因素, ' 管理學報, Vol.19, No.2, pp.243-272.(TSSCI), vol. 144639, Apr. 2002
2002 管郁君;陳悅雯, 2002.04, '資訊科技促成企業轉型之關鍵成功因素, ' 管理與系統, Vol.9, No.2, pp.145-172.(TSSCI), vol. 144637, Apr. 2002
2000 管郁君;黃敏祐, 2000.03, '企業特質與網際網路應用狀況之關聯, ' 管理學報, Vol.17, No.1, pp.119-147.(TSSCI), vol. 154328, Mar. 2000
1999 管郁君;黃敏祐, 1999, '企業特質與網際網路應用狀況之關聯, ' 管理科學學報,., vol. 322496, 1999
1998 管郁君, 1998, '如何以資訊和資訊科技之有效管理提昇我國高科技產業之競爭力, ' 管理論文選集, pp.841-855., vol. 322501, 1998
1996 管郁君, 1996, '國家資訊基礎建設與企業競爭力, ' 經濟情勢暨評論, Vol.1, No.4, pp.58-68., vol. 322509, 1996
1996 管郁君;管康彥;林明德, 1996, '資訊科技與企業流程改造作法之搭配對流程特性之影響, ' 資訊管理學報, Vol.3, No.1, pp.53-62., vol. 322504, 1996
1994 Eugenia Y. Huang, 1994, 'Continuous-time modeling of CRMA protocol for high speed LANs and MANs, ' MIS Review, Vol.4, pp.77-88., vol. 322514, 1994
1992 Eugenia Y. Huang;Lazaros F. Merakos, 1992, 'Delay analysis of a unidirectional bus network with an erasure station, ' International Journal of Performance Evaluation, Vol.16, No.1, pp.177-184., vol. 322524, 1992
Year Paper Title
2017 Eugenia Huang*;Kai Teng Cheng;Yuan-Hung Liu;Wei-Ti Shih;Hsiao-En Chen, 2017.07, 'The effect of m-Commerce effort on reputation, ' ICPRM, ACME.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2017
2017 Eugenia Huang*;Hsiao-En Chen, 2017.07, 'Why do people purchase mobile apps? An interpretation based on Mental Accounting Theory and Consumption Value Theory, ' ICPRM, ACME.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2017
2016 Jasmin Kuo*;Eugenia Y. Huang;Shu-Chiung Lin, 2016.08, 'Investigating the effect of pre-purchase search and ongoing search on post-purchase dissonance., ' The 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), AIS.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2016
2016 管郁君;卫潇*;陳俞仲, 2016.05, '以PPM模型探討移動支付用戶之轉移意圖, ' 第二十七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 中華民國資管學會.(*為通訊作者), May. 2016
2015 Eugenia Y. Huang;Shu-Chiung Lin;I-Ting Hsieh, 2015.11, 'Does Online Marketplace Sellers' Manipulation Affect Buyers' Evaluations?, ' Proceedings of 46th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, DSI., Nov. 2015
2015 Eugenia Y. Huang;Shu-Chiung Lin;Chia-Wei Jasmin Guo, 2015.07, 'Concerning Mobile Multitasking Post-Behavior State of Mind, ' Proceedings of The 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015), PACIS., Jul. 2015
2014 Eugenia Y. Huang;Travis K. Huang;Yu-Ju Lin, 2014.08, 'Identifying Subtasks of m-Commerce Website through Scenario-Based Design, ' Proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Association for Information Systems (AIS)., Aug. 2014
2014 Eugenia Y. Huang*;Kuang Li Hung, 2014.08, 'Understanding Mobile Apps Purchase: The Effect of Free Trial and Online Consumer Review, ' 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Managemen, Academy of Management.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2014
2013 Eugenia Y. Huang;Chia-jung Tsui*;Leo Wu, 2013.08, ' Investigating App download intention: a consumption value perspective, ' Proceedings of The 19th Cross Strait Conference on Information Management Development and Strategy, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2013
2013 Eugeni Y. Huang*;Yu-Ju Lin;Travis K. Huang, 2013.07, 'Task-Oriented M-Commerce Interface Design, ' The 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2013
2013 Eugeni Y. Huang*;Chia-jung Tsui;Chi-Yuan Wei, 2013.06, 'Exploring the relationship between price sensitivity and price comparison: the moderating role of mobile device self-efficacy, ' Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Information System 2013 (PACIS 2013) Social, Mobile, and IT Revolution Workshop, PACIS.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2013
2013 Eugenia Y. Huang*;Shu-Chiung Lin;I-Ting Hsieh;Yi-Chen Ho, 2013.06, 'Rating score and comment orientation under the influence of online marketplace sellers, ' Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Information System 2013 (PACIS 2013) The Next IT Service Frontier Workshop, PACIS.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2013
2013 Eugenia Y. Huang*;Shu-Chiung Lin;Yi-Chen Ho;I-Ting Hsieh, 2013.06, 'The Effect of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Informational Conformity on Impulse Purchasing, ' Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Information System 2013 (PACIS 2013) Social, Mobile, and IT Revolution Workshop, PACIS.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2013
2013 Eugenia Y. Huang;Travis K. Huang, 2013.01, 'Measuring boundary objects in an attempt to explain innovativeness, ' Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), HICSS.(EI, IEEE), Jan. 2013
2013 Eugenia Y. Huang;Chia-jung Tsui;Wellington K. Kuan;Terry Chen;Ming-chin Hung, 2013.01, 'Measuring Customer Retention in the B2C Electronic Business: An Empirical Study, ' Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), HICSS.(EI, IEEE), Jan. 2013
2012 Eugenia Y. Huang;Chia-jung Tsui;Huimei Liu;Wellington K. Kuan;Hung-Shin Chen, 2012.11, 'Studying Associative Relationships among Product Classes in the Context of Web Retailing, ' Proceedings of 43rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute (DSI), DSI., Nov. 2012
2012 Eugenia Y. Huang;Sheng-Wei Lin;John Chinhan Tang, 2012.11, 'Adopting Agile System Development Methodologies, ' Proceedings of 43rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute (DSI), DSI., Nov. 2012
2012 Eugenia Y. Huang;Sheng-Wei Lin;Ya-Chu Fan, 2012.07, 'Constructing the Measurement Scale of Mobile Service Quality, ' The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, ACME., Jul. 2012
2012 Eugenia Y. Huang;Travis K. Huang, 2012.01, 'Understanding the effect of innovative climate and interaction involvement on user intention to share knowledge, ' Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), HICSS.(EI, IEEE), Jan. 2012
2011 Eugenia Y. Huang;Po-yu Duan, 2011.04, 'Research on Degree of User Acceptance of Electronic Books on Smartphones, ' Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of WDSI, DSI., Apr. 2011
2011 Eugenia Y. Huang;Chi-Yau Chen, 2011.04, 'The Influence of Cloud Computing on Outsourcing of Information Systems by SME, ' Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of WDSI, DSI., Apr. 2011
2011 Wellington K. Kuan;Terry Chen;Eugenia Y. Huang, 2011.01, 'A Tale of Three Dotcoms in Taiwan and the Derived Strategic Thinking, ' Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology. Tokyo, Japan.., Jan. 2011
2011 Eugenia Y. Huang;Travis K. Huang, 2011.01, 'The Roles of Boundary Objects in Knowledge Interaction, ' Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS.(EI, IEEE), Jan. 2011
2010 Huang, Eugenia;Lin, Sheng Wei;Huang, Travis, 2010.11, 'Does online participation mediate the effect of learning style on learning performance?, ' Proceedings of 41th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Decision Sciences Institute., Nov. 2010
2010 Huang, Eugenia;Tang, Chinhan;Lin, Mlnchun, 2010.07, 'The Intention of Selecting Agile System Development Methodology among New Generation of Software Developer, ' Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, ACME., Jul. 2010
2010 管郁君;劉景吉, 2010.03, '探討C2C電子商務中信任建立與信任帶來之價值 -以賣家與交易平台兩種角度討論, ' 第十三屆電子商務研討會,EC2010, 第十三屆電子商務研討會,EC2010., Mar. 2010
2010 Louis Yi-Shih Lo;Eugenia Huang, 2010.01, 'The Impact of Local Loop Unbundling on DSL Service Diversity, ' The Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS.(EI, IEEE), Jan. 2010
2009 Eugenia Huang;Chi-Hsing Chiu, 2009.05, 'The effect of experience marketing on female customer retention, ' Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Information Management, Chinese Society of Information Management.(, May. 2009
2009 Travis K. Huang;Eugenia Huang, 2009.01, 'A Max-Min Approach to the Output Evaluation of Knowledge Interaction, ' HICSS-42, HICSS.(EI, IEEE), Jan. 2009
2008 Eugenia Huang;Sheng Wei Lin, 2008.11, 'How Personality Affects Time Control Over E-Mail Use: The Mediating Effects, ' Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Decision Sciences Institute., Nov. 2008
2008 Huang, T. K.;Huang, E. Y.;Chang, K.-C., 2008, 'Actor-based categorization of interorganizational knowledge, ' 18th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management., 2008
2008 Lin, E. S.-W;Huang, E.Y.;Chiu, C.-H., 2008, 'A punctuated equilibrium perspective of innovation process, ' 18th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management., 2008
2008 Chang, K.-C;Huang, E.Y.;Chiu, C.-H., 2008, 'Understanding customers in the era of experience economy, ' 18th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management., 2008
2007 管郁君, 2007.11, 'Knowledge management for the sake of problem solving., ' Proceedings of 38th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Decision Sciences Institute, pp.3461-3466., Nov. 2007
2007 管郁君;管康彥;何驪軒, 2007.06, '以資源特性論企業進入藍海之途徑 (最佳論文獎), ' 第一屆創新管理學術與實務研討會論文集., Jun. 2007
2006 管郁君;林勝為;林淑瓊, 2006.07, 'Inquiring the E-mail Management Behaviors of Knowledge Workers, ' Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Education (ACME) Annual Meeting, Hawaii USA, ACME., Jul. 2006
2006 Eugenia Y. Huang;Houn-Gee Chen;Louis Y.S. Lo., 2006.07, 'Hedonic pricing analysis of DSL Internet services in the UK, ' Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) Annual Meeting, ACME., Jul. 2006
2006 Eugenia Y. Huang;Louis Y.S. Lo, 2006.03, 'Hedonic pricing analysis of DSL Internet services in the U.S., ' Proceedings of 2006 Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute., Mar. 2006
2005 Eugenia Y. Huang;Melinda Wei, 2005.05, 'User Acceptance of Instant Messaging, ' Proceedings of IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference, IACIS., May. 2005
2005 Eugenia Y. Huang;Jimmy Huang, 2005.03, 'Gender-Specific Websites: How Do Female Visitors Respond? (SWDSI 2005 McGraw-Hill Distinguished Paper Award), ' Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, SWDSI., Mar. 2005
2005 管郁君;林芸慧;林碩俊, 2005.01, '企業營運模式的新思維, ' ERP學術與實務研討會論文集., Jan. 2005
2005 Louis Y.S. Lo;Eugenia Y. Huang;Houn-Gee Chen, 2005, 'Hedonic Pricing Analysis of DSL Internet Service in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of 10th APDSI Conference., 2005
2004 管郁君;劉景吉;陳文翰;陳佳霜;林芸慧;林碩俊, 2004.12, '尋找知識管理的新機會, ' 第十屆海峽兩岸資訊管理發展策略研討會., Dec. 2004
2004 Eugenia Y. Huang;Janie Chang, 2004.11, 'How web presentation contributes to initial trust, ' 35rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute., Nov. 2004
2004 Eugenia Y. Huang, 2004.07, 'Granting the access to certain sections to members only, ' Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, ACME 2004 Annual Meeting., Jul. 2004
2003 管郁君;魏碧梅;朱筱琪;古明泓, 2003.11, '走出知識管理的迷霧, ' 第九屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會論文., Nov. 2003
2003 Eugenia Y. Huang;Ming-Tsung Liu, 2003.10, 'Mobile Internet servce usability in Taiwan, ' 14th Annual International Information Management Association Conference, USA., Oct. 2003
2003 Eugenia Y. Huang;Shu-Chiung Lin, 2003.07, 'Constructing an R&D innovation performance model, ' 13th International COnference on Pacific Rim Management ,ACME2003 Annual Meeting, USA Seattle., Jul. 2003
2003 Eugenia Y. Huang;Michelle Lin, 2003.07, 'Personalization : One-to-One Marketing, Differentiation or Customization?, ' 7th International DSI and 8th APDSI Joint Conference, Shanghai., Jul. 2003
2003 管郁君;潘先國, 2003.06, '建構網際網路免費服務轉為收費服務之獲利模式, ' 第十四屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 台灣., Jun. 2003
2003 管郁君;劉明宗, 2003.06, '台灣地區行動網際網路服務之可用性評估, ' 第十四屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 台灣., Jun. 2003
2003 張瑋倫;楊智凱;陳春龍;管郁君, 2003.05, '應用資料採礦技術建立職業棒球選手篩選機制, ' Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Service Industry Marketing.(TSSCI), May. 2003
2002 Eugenia Y. Huang;Chi-Wei Yin, 2002.11, 'Online retailing: The reasons for buying and deflecting, ' Proceedings of 8th Information Management Research and Practices Conference.., Nov. 2002
2002 Eugenia Y. Huang;Chien-Hsin Huang, 2002.11, 'How the activities of Federal Virtual Community impact the characteristics of knowledge worker team – a case study approach, ' 33rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute., Nov. 2002
2002 管郁君;林聖凱, 2002.11, '電子化應用成效之探討(最佳論文獎), ' 第八屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會論文集., Nov. 2002
2002 管郁君;王孟邦, 2002.05, '虛擬社群管理、社群績效、與獲利模式關係之探討, ' 2002 年第六屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會論文集., May. 2002
2002 管郁君;高隆樺, 2002.05, '影響顧客關係管理應用類別與認知成效之模式建構, ' 第十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集., May. 2002
2002 管郁君, 2002, '資訊主管與一般主管對資訊科技應用的影響, ' 第八屆海峽兩岸資訊管理發展策略研討會., 2002
2001 管郁君;黃建欣, 2001.12, '邦聯式虛擬社群活動對知識工作團隊特徵之影響, ' 第七屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會, 台灣., Dec. 2001
2001 管郁君, 2001.06, 'Unveiling the traffic dynamics of a Virtual community, ' PACIS 2001, Korea., Jun. 2001
2001 管郁君;林佩儀, 2001.05, '網站設計與使用者滿意度之關聯-以網路使用與購物經驗進行集群之研究, ' 第十二屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 台灣., May. 2001
2001 Eugenia Y. Huang;Helen Hou, 2001.04, 'I-Commerce potential of the middle aged population in Taiwan (Best Paper Award), ' Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, USA., Apr. 2001
2000 管郁君;張雅清, 2000.12, '無線網際網路市場區隔之研究, ' 第六屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會, 台灣., Dec. 2000
2000 管郁君;張瀚仁, 2000.12, '個人化技術對虛擬社群發展之影響, ' 第六屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會, 台灣., Dec. 2000
2000 Eugenia Y. Huang;Phoebe H.Y Tsai, 2000.06, 'Relationship management of small and medium business IT outsourcing projects in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of PACIS2000, HongKong., Jun. 2000
2000 管郁君;宋蓓娜, 2000.05, '網路網際消費市場區隔與定位策略之研究, ' 第十一屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, 台灣., May. 2000
1999 管郁君;郭建良, 1999.06, '探討時基競爭於供應鏈管理上的應用策略, ' 第十屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, pp.673-680., Jun. 1999
1999 管郁君;蔡馨儀, 1999.06, '臺灣中小企業資訊系統委外關係管理, ' 第十屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, pp.721-728., Jun. 1999
1998 管郁君;王怡舜, 1998.06, '系統思考導向之企業程序改造模式, ' 第八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集., Jun. 1998
1998 管郁君;王天勤, 1998.06, '網際網路應用對企業價值鏈的影響, ' 第九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集., Jun. 1998
1998 管郁君;黃敏祐, 1998.06, '企業特質與網際網路應用狀況之關聯, ' 第九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集., Jun. 1998
1998 Eugenia Y. Huang;Jerry M. Chou, 1998.06, 'Constructing an IT outsourcer selection model for IT outsourcing projects, ' Proceedings of the 1998 Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference., Jun. 1998
1997 管郁君;沈捷明, 1997.11, '傳統網路升級至ATM網路之模式探討, ' 資訊管理實務研討會, pp.183-190., Nov. 1997
1997 管郁君, 1997.09, '如何以資訊和資訊科技之有效管理提昇我國高科技產業之競爭力, ' 八十五年度管理學門專題計畫研究成果發表會., Sep. 1997
1997 管郁君;劉建輝, 1997.05, '資訊科技與組織績效之關聯, ' 第八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, pp.219-227., May. 1997
1996 Eugenia Y. Huang;Wellington Kuan, 1996.12, 'Reengineering —Taiwan Experience, ' Proceedings of the First Asia Pacific DSI Conference, pp.1293-1300., Dec. 1996
1996 管郁君, 1996.11, '知識工作之流程設計, ' 第二屆全國企業改造研討會—管理階層改造—論文集, pp.123-132., Nov. 1996
1996 管郁君;楊博文, 1996.11, '資訊科技策略與企業策略之搭配對企業競爭優勢之影響—我國高科技產業之現況, ' 1996年中華民國科技管理研討會論文集, pp.C1-1 - C1-11., Nov. 1996
1996 管郁君;管康彥;林明德, 1996.05, '以流程特性之觀點探討資訊科技與企業流程改造作法之搭配, ' 第七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, pp.137-144., May. 1996
1996 管郁君;管康彥;鄭啟良, 1996.01, '臺灣地區物流業進行企業再生工程之特質探討, ' 國際商業物流研討會., Jan. 1996
1995 管郁君;管康彥, 1995.11, '企業再造之適域性探討:背景與特色, ' 第一屆全國企業改造研討會—企業組織改造—論文集, pp.187-198., Nov. 1995
1995 管郁君;管康彥;鄭啟良, 1995.05, '企業再生工程實施方法與企業特質的關聯, ' 第六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, pp.1-8., May. 1995
1995 管郁君;管康彥, 1995.03, '服務業進行企業再造之特質探討, ' 第一屆服務業管理研討會論文集., Mar. 1995
1994 Eugenia Y. Huang, 1994.11, 'ean cycle time analysis of cyclic reservation multiple access protocol, ' Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks., Nov. 1994
1990 Eugenia Y. Huang;Lazaros F. Merakos, 1990.03, 'On the access fairness of the DQDB MAN protocol, ' In IPCCC/90 Proceedings., Mar. 1990
1990 Eugenia Y. Huang;Lazaros F. Merakos, 1990.03, 'Delay analysis of a unidirectional dual bus with one erasure station, ' Proceedings of the 1990 Conference on Information Science and Systems., Mar. 1990
管郁君, '知識工作之流程設計, ' 第二屆全國企業改造研討會., Mar. 2025
管郁君, '資訊科技策略與企業策略之搭配對企業競爭優勢之影響:我國高科技產業之現況, ' 中華民國科技管理研討會., Mar. 2025
管郁君, '企業再生工程實施方式與企業特質的關聯, ' 第6屆國際資訊管理學術研討會., Mar. 2025
管郁君, 'Mean cycle time analysis of cyclic reservation multiple access protocol, ' Processding of 19th Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks., Mar. 2025
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
UNITED STATES 美國東北大學 Electrical and Computer Engineering 博士 1987.09 ~ 1991.09
UNITED STATES 美國密西根大學 電腦資訊 碩士 1980.09 ~ 1983.04
UNITED STATES 美國西北大學 物理學系 碩士 1978.09 ~ 1979.08
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立清華大學 物理學系 學士 1974.09 ~ 1978.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 教授 2018.08 ~ 2018.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 教授 2017.08 ~ 2018.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 教授 2014.08 ~ 2017.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 教授 2013.01 ~ 2014.02
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 系主任 2010.08 ~ 2011.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 系主任 2009.08 ~ 2010.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 系主任 2008.08 ~ 2009.07
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 教授 2006.09 ~ 2013.01
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 教授 2005.08 ~ 2005.09
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 副教授 1993.08 ~ 2005.08
Honor Category Year Award Name Awarding Unit
Outside School 105 佳作論文獎,第二十七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 中華民國資訊管理學會
Outside School 100 Distinguished Paper Award DSI
Outside School 99 Best Paper Nomination HICSS
Inside School 97 特聘教授 政治大學
Outside School 96 最佳論文獎 創新管理學術與實務研討會
Outside School 94 McGraw-Hill Distinguished Paper Award SWDSI
Outside School 91 佳作論文獎 第八屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會
Outside School 90 Best Paper Award WDSI