Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2001 趙玉;Jose A. Nicdao, 2001, 'Liveness for Synchronized Choice Petri Nets, ' Computer Journal, Vol.44, No.1, pp.124-136.(SCIE), vol. 148258, 2001
2001 唐日新;李坤清;邱孟佑;吳慧娟, 2001, '資料連結的研究-以交通事故資料與死因資料為例, ' The Journal of Taiwan Association of Medical Informations, No.13, pp.1-24., vol. 465334, 2001
2000 凌儀玲;傅豐玲;凌儀玲, 2000.11, '影響網路使用者上網購物決定因素之比較, ' 中華管理評論, Vol.3, No.4., vol. 154257, Nov. 2000
2000 湯宗益;王怡舜, 2000.11, '企業總體經濟環境決策支援之研究, ' 中華管理評論, Vol.03, No.04, pp.67-82., vol. 154121, Nov. 2000
2000 Yu, Chien-Chih*;Yu, H. C.;Chou, C. C., 2000.09, 'The Impacts of Electronic Commerce on Auditing Practices:An Auditing Pocess Model for Evidence Collection and Validation, ' International Journall of Intelligent Systems in Accoitiong Finance and Management, Vol.9, No.3, pp.195-216.(*為通訊作者), vol. 148206, Sep. 2000
2000 Yi-Shun Wang;Jeung-tai Eddie, 2000.08, 'Measuring Customer Information satisfaction with Web Site MArketing Digital Products and Sevices, ' JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, Vol.2, No.3., vol. 154426, Aug. 2000
2000 湯宗益;王怡舜, 2000.05, '資訊服務產業的電子行銷新典範, ' 商業現代化學刊, Vol.1, No.2, pp.82-92., vol. 154116, May. 2000
2000 湯宗益;Daniel Y. Shee;Gwo-Hshiung, 2000.05, 'Modeling the Supply-Demand Interaction in Electronic Commerce: A Bi-Level Programming Approac, ' JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, Vol.01, No.02, pp.00., vol. 154119, May. 2000
2000 湯宗益, 2000.05, '消費者對銀行服務品質及資訊科技之研究, ' 商業現代化學刊, Vol.01, No.02, pp.69-81., vol. 154117, May. 2000
2000 楊亨利;郭家佑, 2000.05, '資料庫中空間性週期關聯規則之發掘, ' 中華管理評論, Vol.3, No.2, pp.99-121., vol. 461323, May. 2000