
  • 2022-04-22
  • 林雨儒
我是密切接觸者該怎麼辦?  https://oic.nccu.edu.tw/Post/13289
 若出現氣喘、呼吸困難、持續胸痛、胸悶、意識不清、皮膚或嘴唇或指甲床發青等症狀,立即撥打119、衛生局或1922。
 如出現疑似新冠肺炎症狀,請撥打1922後依指示就醫。但請勿乘坐大眾交通工具前往醫院
 如您為確診者,請主動通報學校。電話: 02 8237 7400 或逕洽系所或國合處oic@nccu.edu.tw

What should I do if I was likely exposed to COVID-19? https://oic.nccu.edu.tw/Post/13288
 If you have symptoms such as shortness of breath, constant chest pain, confusion, or if your skin/lip/fingernails turn purplish, please call 119, local Department of Health or 1922 immediately.

 If you develop any of the above mentioned symptoms. Please call 1922 and follow their instructions. Do not use public transportation when seeking medical attention.
 If you tested positive for COVID-19, please inform NCCU at: 02-8237-7400, your department/institute, or OIC (oic@nccu.edu.tw).