【2017 UIUC-SSRP】政大商學院資管系、國貿系、企管系、統計系、科智所博士生赴美國伊利諾大學駐點計畫,申請時間:2016年12月1-20日

  • 2016-11-03
  • 林雨儒
資管系協同國貿系、企管系、統計系、科智所於2015122日與美國伊利諾大學香檳校區(UIUC, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)商學院之企業管理學系簽定「博士生駐點計畫」,這是資管系繼UIUC-MSTM碩士雙聯學位合約之後,第二個與UIUC簽訂的合作計畫。
UIUC是全美首屈一指的優質大學,其商學院在2015年全球百大評比獲得第30名推薦,而在2012年評比為全美商學院前十二名,而資管領域更獲得Tech Republic Report評比為第八名。UIUC過去培養了很多傑出的學生,未來他們期望藉由本合作計畫獲得更多優秀的學生。
  1. 申請時間:每年121-20日。
  2. 申請方式:UIUC線上申請http://www.grad.illinois.edu/admissions/apply ,上傳所需資料後,不需繳交UIUC申請費(application fees),將紙本申請資料送至商學院9260904資管系辦公室。
  3. 申請條件:
    1. 本校資管系、國貿系、企管系、統計系、科智所在學博士生
    2. 預計8月中前往UIUC訪問時,已於本校修業滿兩學期
    3. 赴美UIUC訪問期間,需為本校在學學生並註冊出國選課
    4. 赴美UIUC訪問結束,需返校繼續完成本校學位。
  4. UIUC修習規定:
    1. 至少全時修課兩學期(八月中至隔年5月中,共兩學期)
    2. 修習UIUC商學院開設之課程
    3. UIUC正式有學籍學生有優先選課權
    4. 有意考取UIUC正式博士生,需透過一般國際學生申請作業管道另外申請。
    5. 訪問期間結束,學生必須繳清所有欠費UIUC才會寄送訪問學生所修習課程之正式成績單至本校資管系。
    6. 英文能力檢定詳見http://www.grad.illinois.edu/admissions/instructions/04c
  5. 申請資料:
    1. Statement of Research Intent highlighting student’s research interests and research goals during their time at Illinois (3 pages [approximately 1000 words] maximum).
    2. TOEFL score. Please refer to the Graduate College’s English proficiency requirements: http://www.grad.illinois.edu/admissions/instructions/04c
    3. One letter of recommendation from a NCCU faculty “sponsor”.
    4. List of 3-4 Illinois faculty mentors that the student would like to work with.
    5. Transcripts (NCCU and previous institutions). Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for the admission review process. Official transcripts will be requested at the time of admission.
    6. Curriculum Vitae (CV) listing education, work experience, GPA, test scores, published and/or working papers, research-related skills, and other relevant qualifications / background.
    7. Declaration of Finances: http://www.grad.illinois.edu/sites/default/files/pdfs/certoffinances.pdf (Include a bank statement showing minimum of $32,388 in available funds). Declaration of finances will be required at the time of admission only. However, only students who can satisfy this requirement should apply to the department.
    8. 後續會安排申請人與資管系系主任李有仁教授面談.
English Proficiency Test Minimum for Limited Status Admission with English as a Second Language Placement Test Required* Minimum for Full Status Admission
TOEFL iBT 79-102 greater than 102
TOEFL CBT 213-253 greater than 253
TOEFL PBT 550-610 greater than 610
IELTS (academic exam) 6.5 with a score of 6 or higher in all sub-sections greater than 6.5
  1. 費用:
    1. 兩學期所需學費總共為USD$13,000
    2. 除前述學費,另有自費項目略述如下:
      1. 交通費
      2. 宿舍費
      3. 教科書、膳雜費
      4. 保險費
      5. 護照費、簽證費