我是密切接觸者該怎麼辦? https://oic.nccu.edu.tw/Post/13289
如您為確診者,請主動通報學校。電話: 02 8237 7400 或逕洽系所或國合處oic@nccu.edu.tw。
What should I do if I was likely exposed to COVID-19? https://oic.nccu.edu.tw/Post/13288
If you have symptoms such as shortness of breath, constant chest pain, confusion, or if your skin/lip/fingernails turn purplish, please call 119, local Department of Health or 1922 immediately.
If you develop any of the above mentioned symptoms. Please call 1922 and follow their instructions. Do not use public transportation when seeking medical attention.
If you tested positive for COVID-19, please inform NCCU at: 02-8237-7400, your department/institute, or OIC (oic@nccu.edu.tw).