姓名 姜国辉
研究专长 有机生态系、商业智慧与大数据分析、人工智能与机器学习、区块链与智能合约、联盟运算与K8s数码转型
授课领域 商业智慧与决策分析、机器学习与PyTorch 、区块链与智能合约、进阶创新资讯科技,资讯系统专案
学历 德国阿亨科技大学 工程科学博士
职称 副教授
年度 论文名称
2021 姜国辉*;Chien-Liang Lin*;Yi-Fang Chiang;Yushun Su, 2021.11, 'Optimization of the Spectrum Splitting and Auction for 5th Generation Mobile Networks to Enhance Quality of Services for IoT From the Perspective of Inclusive Sharing Economy, ' Electronics, pp.1-23.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 435054, Nov. 2021
2021 姜国辉*, 2021.11, 'Optimization of ICT Common Wealth Planning and Sharing based on Organic Economic Ecology and Theory of Knowledge Value Transformation ~ on case of open collaboration Framework, ' PoS, pp.1-18.(SCOPUS, SCImigo)(*为通讯作者), vol. 430788, Nov. 2021
2021 Kuan-Jui Huang*;Kuo-Huie Chiang, 2021.01, 'Toward a Self-Adaptive Cyberdefense Framework in Organization, ' SAGE Open, Vol.2021, No.1– 20, pp.1-19.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 430079, Jan. 2021
2019 Chien-Liang Lin*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2019.12, 'Using 6E Model in STEAM Teaching Activities to Improve University Students’ Learning Satisfaction: A Case of Development Seniors IoT Smart Cane Creative Design, ' Journal of Internet Technology Volume 20 (2019) No.7, Vol.Vol 20, No.No.7, pp.2109-2116.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 428545, Dec. 2019
2018 Johannes K. Chiang*;Wei Wen Szu, 2018.03, 'Exploring emerging trends in agent-based modeling using bibliometric analysis and growing hierarchical self-organizing maps, ' Journal of Engineering Technology, Vol.Vol. 6, No.Special, pp.50-70.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 419701, Mar. 2018
2015 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kiekang Chao, 2015.12, 'Development of Critical-Siphon Theory to Fastest Deadlock Controller for Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, ' MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol.48, No.7, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), vol. 408787, Dec. 2015
2015 Johannes Kuo-Huie Chiang;Hung-Yue Suen*, 2015.07, 'Self-presentation and hiring recommendations in online communities, ' Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.48, pp.516-524.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 407318, Jul. 2015
2014 Johannes K. Chiang*;Chia Chi Chu, 2014.08, 'Multi-dimensional Multi-granularities Data Mining for Discovering Innovative Healthcare Services, ' Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging, Vol.1, No.3, pp.1-10.(Urlich, ISPECT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 408518, Aug. 2014
2014 Johannes K. Chiang*;Chia Chi Chu, 2014.04, 'Multidimensional Multi-granularities Data Mining for Discover Association Rule, ' Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.2, No.3, pp.1-10.(Urlich, ISPECT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 408517, Apr. 2014
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.12, 'Authentication, Authorization and File Synchronization for Hybrid Cloud-The Development Centric to Google Apps, Hadoop and Linux Local Hosts, ' Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), Vol.14, No.7, pp.1141-1148.(EI, DBLP, SCI, TSCI, ISPECT, Urlich, Genamics JournalSeek, Index of IS Jour)(*为通讯作者), vol. 397237, Dec. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.09, 'On Interoperation of Grid Federation and Hybrid Cloud ~ From the Perspective of Information Systems, ' Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 397239, Sep. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.07, 'On GRID Interoperation for Knowledge Services, ' AIRCC journal, Vol.0, No.0, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 398629, Jul. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2013.07, 'Long-Term Preservation on Semantic Grid, '.(*为通讯作者), vol. 398628, Jul. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang;Hung-Yue Suen*, 2013.07, 'Why Discussions In LinkedIn Group Get Read ?, ' International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, Vol.2, No.6, pp.17-22.(Proquest, Ebsco DB, Ulrich, Socolar, American Congress)(*为通讯作者), vol. 392394, Jul. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Sheng-Yin Huang, 2013.03, 'Multidimensional Multi-Granularity Data Mining for Healthcare Service Management, ' Journal of Data Processing, Vol.3, No.1, pp.31-37.(SciVerse Scopus, Ebsco, Ulrich, Google Scholar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 403692, Mar. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2013.03, 'Gestalt of Long-Term Preservation on Semantic-Grid on Taiwan, ' Journal of Information & Systems Management, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-10.(EI, SciVerse Scopus, Ebsco, Ulrich, Google Scholar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 392365, Mar. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Rui-Han Yang, 2013.03, 'Multidimensional Data Mining for Discover Association Rule in Various Granularities, ' Journal of Data Processing, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-12.(EI, SciVerse Scopus, Ebsco, Ulrich, Google Scholar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 392364, Mar. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2013.03, 'KNOWLEDGE-MANAGEMENT-CENTRIC LONG-TERM PRESERVATION ON SEMANTIC-GRID, ' International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ), Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(EI, ProQuest, EBSCO, Ulrich, Google Scolar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 379780, Mar. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.03, 'Multidimensional Multi-Granularity Data Mining for Discovering Association Rules, ' International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) ( IJDMS ), Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(EI, ProQuest, EBSCO, Ulrich, Google Scolar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 379779, Mar. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang;Hung-Yue Suen*;Hsiang-En Hsiao, 2013.02, 'Group Identification on LinkedIn: A Professional Group Study, ' International Business and Management, Vol.6, No.1, pp.0 - 0.(Library and Archives Canada, AMICUS, ProQuest, EBSCO, Ulrich)(*为通讯作者), vol. 385480, Feb. 2013
2013 I-Ju Tsai*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2013.01, 'Research on Ubiquitous Services in Film Achieve Management: a Case of National Palace Museum, ' International Journal of Information Process and Management (IJIPM), Vol.14, No.1, pp.76-85.(EI, IEEE, SCOPUS/INSPEC/Google Scholar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 384740, Jan. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Daniel Yuh Chao, 2013, 'Application of Critical-Siphon Theory to Fastest Deadlock Controller for A Class of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' Advanced Materials Research, Vol.605-607, pp.1679-1682.(EI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 403357, 2013
2012 Yu-Hsiang Yang*;Huimin Bhikshu;Johannes K. Chiang, 2012.11, 'The Bodhisattva’s Altruism and Computer Simulation, ' CONTEMPORARY BUDDHISM, Vol.13, No.2, pp.0-0.(AHCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 375577, Nov. 2012
2012 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 2012.09, 'Developing Governmental Archival System on Semantic Grid, ' Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), Vol.13, No.5, pp.749-756.(SCIE, EI, DBLP, SCI, TSCI, ISPECT, Urlich)(*为通讯作者), vol. 350500, Sep. 2012
2012 姜国辉;杨喻翔*, 2012.06, '应用增长层级式自我组织映射图于历年研究主题图之呈现, ' 图书资讯学研究 (JLISR), Vol.6, No.2, pp.1-35.(TSSCI, LISA (ProQuest))(*为通讯作者), vol. 364212, Jun. 2012
2011 Hsu-Hao Tsai*;Johannes. K. Chiang, 2011.01, 'E-Commerce Research Trend Forecasting: A Study of Bibliometric Methodology, ' International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications / JDCTA, Vol.5, No.1, pp.101 ~ 111.(EI, DBLP)(*为通讯作者), vol. 320397, Jan. 2011
2010 Johannes K. Chiang;Kenny Huang*, 2010.09, 'GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION REFORM AND SHARED SERVICES DEVELOPMENT IN TAIWAN/ JITM, ' Journal of Information Technology Management, Vol.22, No.1, pp.749-756.(EI, DBLP, SCI, TSCI, ISPECT, Urlich, Genamics JournalSeek, Index of IS Jour)(*为通讯作者), vol. 318989, Sep. 2010
2010 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2010.08, '基于语意网格的政府长期档案管理系统的开发, ' 四川建材, Vol.36, No.156, pp.180-184.(ISTP)(*为通讯作者), vol. 360265, Aug. 2010
2010 Johannes K. Chiang;Chen-Wo Kuo*;Yu-Hsiang Yang*, 2010.08, 'A Bibliometric Study of E-learning Literature on SSCI Database / LNCS, ' Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.6249.(EI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 318984, Aug. 2010
2010 廖伟成;林占山*;姜国辉, 2010.06, 'Web 2.0 科技投资竞合策略之研究-运用赛局选择权的新思维, ' 电子商务研究, Vol.8, No.2, pp.163-182.(*为通讯作者), vol. 327487, Jun. 2010
2010 Chi-Yen Yin;Johannes K. Chiang*, 2010.04, 'Bibliometric Analysis of Social Capital Research During 1956 to 2008, ' JCIT: Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol.5, No.2, pp.124 ~ 132.(EI, DBLP, DOI ,INSPEC,Google Scholar,Computer and Information Systems)(*为通讯作者), vol. 307984, Apr. 2010
2010 Johannes K. Chiang;Kenny Huang*, 2010.01, 'A Markov-Chain-based Simulation and Prediction Model for Internet Traffic and QoS Optimization, ' Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), Vol.S. Issue, pp.29-34.(*为通讯作者), vol. 403358, Jan. 2010
2009 Shian-Shyong Tseng;Kenny Huang;Johannes K. Chiang*, 2009.01, 'Internet Exchange Traffic Sharing and Market Competition, ' Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.8, No.1, pp.27-31.(EI, DBLP, SCI, TSCI, Ulrich''s Database)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254558, Jan. 2009
2008 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kiekang Chao, 2008.11, 'Prototype Design of Decision Supports for GRID Clearinghouse Service Framework, ' Journal of Advanced Computation Intelligent Informatics, Vol.12, No.6, pp.523-528.(FINDER Database)(*为通讯作者), vol. 267083, Nov. 2008
2008 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 2008.09, 'An Investigation of Business Process Management on the application of RFID ~ On the Case of Medical Blood Pack Handleing, ' International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol.6, No.3, pp.174-183.(EI, TSSCI, DBLP)(*为通讯作者), vol. 267075, Sep. 2008
2007 杜维明;周生春*;宋铠;姜国辉;浙大儒商中心等, 2007.01, '儒商与东亚文明, ' 浙江大学学报,人文社会科学版, Vol.Vol.31, No.No. 1, pp.5-15.(CSA, CSSI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254559, Jan. 2007
2005 姜国辉*;梁金玉;李宛静, 2005.08, '透过客户关系管理提高预防犯罪能力之初探--以中国某特别行政区为例, ' 管理学报 (中国华中科技大学), Vol.Vol. II, No.No. 1 (S).(ASPT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254577, Aug. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;麦金婵;赖政如, 2005.08, '警政信息管理系统--以中国某特别行政区为例, ' 管理学报 (中国华中科技大学), Vol.Vol. II, No.No. 1 (S).(ASPT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254576, Aug. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;章伟;吴丽雅, 2005.08, '食品物流与安全管理信息系统之初探--对苏丹红事件之反思, ' 管理学报 (中国华中科技大学), Vol.Vol. II, No.No. 1 (S).(ASPT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254573, Aug. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;李耿贤;王宛如, 2005.08, '由知识管理概念推动产业创新与示范性--以台湾为例, ' 管理学报 (中国华中科技大学), Vol.Vol. II, No.No. 1 (S).(ASPT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254572, Aug. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;李强;黄文品, 2005.08, '航空公司电子票务之应用与推广, ' 管理学报 (中国华中科技大学), Vol.Vol. II, No.No. 1 (S).(ASPT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254571, Aug. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;翁荣晖;陈冠妤, 2005.08, '当前线上音乐技术模式之研究, ' 管理学报 (中国华中科技大学), Vol.Vol. II.(ASPT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254570, Aug. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;林嘉豪;陈柏吟, 2005.08, '以RosettaNet和ebXML 看商业流程整合, ' 管理学报 (中国华中科技大学), Vol.Vol. II, No.No. 1 (S).(ASPT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254569, Aug. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;祝天雄, 2005.08, '整合性制造管理信息系统开发之研究, ' 管理学报 (中国华中科技大学), Vol.Vol. II, No.No. 1 (S).(ASPT,中国双效期刊)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254565, Aug. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;赖盈汝, 2005.08, '企业电子化协同服务平台之研究, ' 管理学报(中国华中科技大学), Vol.Vol II, No.No.1 (S).(ASPT, 中国双效期刊)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254562, Aug. 2005
2005 裘锦天;姜国辉;程裕繁*, 2005.03, '一个以关联式数据库为基础的企业规则库开发策略, ' 修平学报,.(*为通讯作者), vol. 254561, Mar. 2005
2003 姜国辉*;赖盈汝;张小萍, 2003.08, '台湾数码电视发展初探, ' 合肥工业大学学报, Vol.Vol .26.(俄罗斯,ASPT, 中国双效期刊, 中国期刊网来源刊)(*为通讯作者), vol. 254583, Aug. 2003
2003 姜国辉;吴俊德, 2003.08, '中医药典籍中之Metadata的初探 -- 以「本草备要」、「医方集解」为例, ' 中华资讯管;系统季刊 (Chinese MIS Quarterly), Vol.第一卷, No.第三期.(ASPT), vol. 254578, Aug. 2003
2003 姜国辉*;金希修, 2003.08, '中、韩网络咖啡业发展之比较研究, ' 中华资讯管理系统季刊(Chinese MIS Quarterly), Vol.第一卷, No.第三期.(CSA)(*为通讯作者), vol. 225704, Aug. 2003
2001 姜国辉*, 2001.07, '电脑产业之电子化供应网络管理~兼论康柏台威计画, ' 华人企业论坛, Vol.2001年, No.夏季号.(*为通讯作者), vol. 255356, Jul. 2001
2001 姜国辉*;陈冠竹;锺丰谦, 2001.06, '资讯产业供应链管理与资讯交换电子化, ' 资讯管理研究,.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 255362, Jun. 2001
2001 姜国辉;王俊杰*, 2001.06, '由资讯管理观点论院际转诊医疗资讯交换网络平台之应用, ' 资讯管理学报,.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 255361, Jun. 2001
1999 姜国辉*, 1999.12, '网络社区与其间网络技术应用之探讨, ' 中南工大学报(自然科学版), Vol.Vol. 30.(EI, ASPT)(*为通讯作者), vol. 255369, Dec. 1999
1994 Johannes K. Chiang*, 1994.03, 'Entwicklung einer ganzheitlichen Qualitaetsplannungs- systematik auf der Basis von Hypertext-Techniken und 7-QM-Tools, ' Annual of DFG Advanced Research Program 93, FQS, Vol.FQS-Schrif, No.96-04.(DFG)(德语(文))(*为通讯作者), vol. 255375, Mar. 1994
1993 Johannes K. Chiang*;T. Pfeifer, 1993, 'A Factory-wide Quality Information System based on Hypertext and QFD-towards a Scheme for Co-Design and Simultaneous Engineering, ' Proposal and Communication of Esprit Programmes 93, Commission of European Communities,.(*为通讯作者), vol. 255389, 1993
1990 T. Pfeifer*;B. Faupel;Johannes K. Chiang, 1990.10, 'Model based diagnostic approaches in production, ' at (automation techniques), Vol.Vol. 12.(DFG)(德语(文))(*为通讯作者), vol. 255385, Oct. 1990
1986 姜国辉*, 1986.02, '以雷射扫瞄仪与群组技术为核心之线上量测系统, ' 机械工业月刊,.(*为通讯作者), vol. 255609, Feb. 1986
1984 姜国辉*, 1984.10, '电脑辅助量测系统之架构, ' 工业技术月刊, Vol.资讯月特刊.(*为通讯作者), vol. 255608, Oct. 1984
1982 姜国辉*, 1982.12, 'ITRI-E型机器人之电脑辅助检测系统, ' 工业技术月刊, Vol.资讯月特刊.(*为通讯作者), vol. 255607, Dec. 1982
1982 姜国辉*, 1982.06, 'IEEE-488数据通讯之研究, ' 工业技术月刊,.(*为通讯作者), vol. 255606, Jun. 1982
年度 论文名称
2021 姜国辉;詹宗霖*, 2021.10, 'Using Star Generative Adversarial Networks to Predict Relationship of Trading Volume and Price in Stock Market: Take Semiconductor Industry as an Example, ' Proceddings of International Conference of Inoovation and Design, 致理科技大学, pp.162-168.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2021
2021 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric H.-W. Yen;Yen-Hua Chen, 2021.07, 'Authentication, Authorization and File Synchronization in Hybrid Cloud: On Case of Google Docs, Hadoop and Linux Local Hosts, ' 2013 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies, IEEE.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2021
2021 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen;Yu-Long Lin, 2021.06, 'On Interoperation of Hybrid Cloud, ' 2013 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies, IEEE.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2021
2021 姜国辉*, 2021.05, 'Optimization of ICT Common Wealth Planning and Sharing based on Organic Economic Ecology and Theory of Knowledge Value Transformation, ' International Symposium on Grids & Clouds (ISGC 2021), ISGC2021, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), May. 2021
2021 Johannes K, Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2021.05, 'Open Collaboration Framework centric to Federated Cloud for Smart Earth ~ on Case of Disaster Mitigation and Environment Technology, ' ICIM2021, ICIM2021, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), May. 2021
2021 姜国辉*;张永承;纪仁和, 2021.05, '应用类神经网络与自组织方法于金融时间序列预测与比较 ~以TWSE台股指数为例, ' ICIM2021, 中华民国资讯管理学会, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), May. 2021
2021 Johannes K, Chiang*;Renhe Chi, 2021.05, 'Comparison of Fully Connected Net with Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network and PSO in the Diagnosis of Heart, ' ICIM2021, 中华民国资讯管理学会, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), May. 2021
2019 姜国辉*;黄冠叡;古昊中, 2019.08, '基于多任务迁移学习之上市公司财报基本面与产业表现关联股价预测(会议最佳论文), ' 2019年第三十届国际资讯管理学术研讨会, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2019
2018 Johannes K. Chiang;Yi-Fang Chiang*;Eric H.W. Yen, 2018.08, 'Optimization Of Spectrum Auction in 5th Generation Mobile Networks By The Optimization Algorithm The Simulated Annealing Algorithm And Genetic Algorithm For The Spectrum Below 6 GHz(Best Paper), ' IEEE2018 Proceedings, IEEE, pp.0-0.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2018
2018 姜国辉*, 2018.06, '第五代行动通讯6 GHz以下频谱拍卖之基因算法最佳化, '.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2018
2018 姜国辉;郭迺锋;林玮*, 2018.06, '社群媒体与恐慌指數关聯分析-以富邦VIX 为例(会议最佳论文), ' 第二十九届国际资讯管理学术研讨会, 中华民国资讯管理学会, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2018
2017 Grant K. J. Huang*;Johannes Kuo-Huie Chiang, 2017.12, 'RegTech Evolution: The TrustChain, ' The 17th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2017), Knowledge Park & University of Wollongong in Dubai.(EI, SCOPUS)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2017
2017 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2017.08, 'Sentimental Analysis on Big Data, ' 第23届海峡两岸资讯管理发展与策略学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯馆学会,中国西安交通大学, pp.1-6.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2017
2017 姜国辉*;林咏翔;吴信维, 2017.05, '应用情感分析于指数股票型基金趋势之研究 -以台湾卓越50基金为例(会议最佳论文), ' 第二十八届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯资管学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2017
2016 Johannes K. Chiang;Chun-Cheng Chen*, 2016.12, 'Sentimental Analysis on Big Data – On case of Financial Document Text Mining to Predict Sub-Index(Best Paper) Trend, ' Proceedings of 5th ICCSAE, ICCSAE, IEEE, pp.423-428.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2016
2015 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2015.07, 'Development of Critical-Siphon Theory to Fastest Deadlock Controller for Mechanical Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, ' Proceedings of ICMAE2015, ICMAE, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2015
2015 Johannes K. Chiang;Yi Ting Liou*;Chia Chi Chu, 2015.07, 'THE INTELLIGENT PRICING AND RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM FOR ON-LINE SHOPPING BASED ON MOBILE CLOUD TECHNIQUES, ' Proceedings of NETs 2015, ATISR., pp.1-1.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2015
2015 姜国辉;黄泓铭*;林洸侬, 2015.05, '以社会网络分析为基础之观点层级文本情感分析-以手机即时通应用之口碑评述为例(会议优良论文), ' 2015 年第二十六届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资管学会, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), May. 2015
2015 姜国辉*;汤家哲, 2015.05, '以 Benford 定律为基础的智慧型健保费用异常侦测模型之研究, ' 2015 年第二十六届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资管学会, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), May. 2015
2015 姜国辉;丁柏元*, 2015.05, '从 IoT 服务到 O2O 服务~ 以 N 博物馆文创衍生性商品管理为例, ' 2015 年第二十六届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资管学会, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), May. 2015
2014 Johannes K. Chiang; Yi Ting Liou*;Chia Chi Chu, 2014.11, 'The Intelligent Pricing and Recommendation System for On-line Shopping based on Mobile Cloud Techniques, ' THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION STUDIES, 国立政治大学.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2014
2014 Johannes K. Chiang; Yi Ting Liou*, 2014.09, 'Application of Critical-Siphon Theory to Fastest Deadlock Controller to Enhance the Quality of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' Proceeding of THE 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED MANUFACTURING, National Chung Cheng University, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2014
2014 Johannes K. Chiang*;Cheng Lin Yu, 2014.08, 'Application of Critical-Siphon Theory to Fastest Deadlock Controller to Enhance the Intelligence of Semi-Conductor Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' Proceedings of 2014 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence, Semiconductor Technologies Empowerment Partners Consortium(STEP) & Society for SEED, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Johannes K. Chiang;Chia Chi Chu*, 2014.08, 'Multidimensional Multi-Granularity Data Mining for Healthcare Service, ' Proceedings of 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEDICINE SCIENCES AND BIOENGINEERING, ICMSB/IEEE, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2014.07, 'Solving the FMS Uncertainty by Deadlock Prevention with a Critical Siphon Theory, ' 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, International Federation of Operational Research Societies.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2014
2014 Johannes K. Chiang*;Yao-Hung Lin, 2014.03, 'A Simulation and Prediction Model for Internet Traffic and QoS Based on 1-Step Markov-Chain, ' Proceedings of 2014 UKSim-AMSS 16th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, IEEE, pp.0-1.(IEEE, Inspect)(*为通讯作者), Mar. 2014
2014 Johannes K. Chiang;Collin H.-Y. Suen*, 2014.01, 'Reading Motivations among Professional Network: A Case in LinkedIn Group, ' Proceedings of IAMw 2014, IAM2014.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2014
2013 姜国辉*;翁瑞声, 2013.10, '以RFID 为主的IoT 之研究-以N 博物館文创商品管理为例, ' 2013台湾网际网络研讨会论文集, 教育部计算中心, pp.699-704.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2013
2013 姜国辉*;陈昭元, 2013.08, '手机应用扩增实境导览系统, ' 第十九届海峡两岸资讯管理与策略学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会 ,中国信息系统协会分会,中国.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2013
2013 姜国辉*;王韦仁, 2013.08, '云端运算应用与股价指数期货投资组合最佳化研究, ' 第十九届海峡两岸资讯管理与策略学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会 ,中国信息系统协会分会,中国.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Daniel Yuh Chao, 2013.08, 'Application of Critical-Siphon Theory to Fastest Deadlock Controller to Enhance the Quality of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' Proceedings of 19th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design, IEEE/RQD.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;I-Ju Tsai, 2013.08, 'BPM for RFID-based Ubiquitous Service to Improve Quality of Archive Management Systems: A Case of National Palace Museum, ' Proceedings of 19th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design, IEEE/RQD.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.08, 'A Markov-Chain Model for Optimization of Internet Traffic and Quality-of-Service, ' Proceedings of 19th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design, IEEE/RQD.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kiekang Chao, 2013.08, 'Business Process Management on RFID-Services to Enhance the Quality of Medical Blood Pack Handling, ' Proceedings of 19th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design, IEEE/RQD.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric H.-W. Yen;Yen-Hua Chen, 2013.07, 'Authentication, Authorization and File Synchronization in Hybrid Cloud: On Case of Google Docs, Hadoop and Linux Local Hosts, ' Yen-Hua, IEEE, Academica Sinica, pp.116 - 123.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric H. W. Yen;Yu-Long Lin, 2013.07, 'On Interoperation of Hybrid Cloud, ' Proceedings of 2013 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies, IEEE, Academica Sinica, pp.111 - 115.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kuang-Li Hung;Szu-Yi Huang, 2013.07, 'EXPLORING EFFECTS OF FREE TRIAL TO THE DIFFUSION OF MOBILE APPLICATIONS, ' Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Business and Information, International Business Academics Consortium (iBAC), pp.H629-H647.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Collin H.-Y. Suen, 2013.07, 'A Research into the Reading Behavior of Discussions by Professional Social Media - A case on In LinkedIn Group Discussion, ' Business Intelligence for Innovation, 国立政治大学商学院服务创新研究中心与资管系.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kuang-Li Hung;Szu-Yi Huang, 2013.07, 'A Research into the Diffusion Effects of Free-Trial to Mobile Applications, ' Business Intelligence for Innovation, 国立政治大学商学院服务创新研究中心与资管系.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang;K. K. Shiao;Collin Suen*, 2013.06, 'Building LinkedIn Group Identity: An Empirical Study, ' Proceeding of International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM) 2013, Society for Innovation in Management (SIM), pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.06, 'Markov Chain Simulation of Supply Chain Traffic Sharing and Market Competition, ' Proceedings of the 2013 IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) and IEEE.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen;Yen-Hua Chen, 2013.05, 'AUTHENTICATION, AUTHORIZATION AND FILE SYNCHRONIZATION ON HYBRID CLOUD-ON CASE OF GOOGLE DOCS, HADOOP, LINUX AND MS-WINDOWS LOCAL HOSTS, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen;Peggy P.S. Chiang, 2013.05, 'Knowledge-Management-Centric Long-Term Preservation on Semantic Grid, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen;Yen-Hua Chen, 2013.05, 'REALIZATION OF AUTHENTICATION, AUTHORIZATION AND FILE CONTENT AUTHORIZATION FOR HYBRID CLOUD, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen;Yu-Long Lin, 2013.05, 'On Interoperation of Hybrid Cloud from MISs’ Perspective, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Yi-Hsuan Kao;Szu-Yi Huang, 2013.05, 'Exploring Effects of Free-Trial to the Diffusion of Mobile Applications, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.05, 'A Markov-Chain-based Simulation and Prediction Model for Internet Traffic Optimization and QoS, ' Proceedings of the 2013 Annual IEEE CQR International Workshop, IEEE Communication Society.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.05, 'Long-Term Preservation on Semantic Grid, ' Proceedings of the Fifth International workshop on Grid Computing (GridCom-2013), Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).(*为通讯作者), May. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2013.05, 'On GRID Interoperation for Knowledge Services, ' Proceedings of The Fifth International workshop on Grid Computing (GridCom-2013), Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).(*为通讯作者), May. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Sheng-Yin Huang, 2013.01, 'Multidimensional data mining for healthcare service portfolio management, ' 2013 International Conference on Computer Medical Applications (ICCMA), IEEE.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Rui-Han Yang, 2013.01, 'Multidimensional Data Mining for Discover Association Rules in Various Granularities, ' 2013 International Conference on Computer Applications Technology (ICCAT), IEEE, pp.1-6.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2013.01, 'Gestalt of a Long-Term Archive Management System on Semantic Grid, ' Proceedings of ICCAT 2013, IEEE, pp.1 - 6.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2013
2012 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2012.12, 'DEVELOPING A KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SPIRAL FOR THE LONG-TERM PRESERVATION SYSTEM ON SEMANTIC GRID, ' Proceedings of CDKP 2012, Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2012
2012 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2012.12, 'DEVELOPING A NOVEL MULTIDIMENSIONAL MULTI-GRANULARITY DATA MINING APPROACH FOR DISCOVERING ASSOCIATION RULES, ' Proceedings of CDKP 2012, Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).(IEEExplore)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2012
2012 I-Ju Tsai*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2012.10, 'The Study of Ubiquitous Computing and Business Process Management Convergence: A Case of National Palace Museum, ' : 2012 6th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science, Service Science and Data Mining (ISSDM2012), IEEE and AICIT, pp.57 - 62.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2012
2012 Johannes K. Chiang*;Daniel Yuh Chao, 2012.09, 'Application of critical-siphon Theory to Fastest Deadlock Controller for A Class of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' Advanced Material Research, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, China and Hong Kong Industrial Technology Research Centre, pp.1679-1682.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2012
2012 Kuang-Li Hung*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2012.04, 'Manifesto to an Empirical Study on Free Trial Mobile Application Framework, ' 第十四届全国资讯管理博士生 暨2012两岸三地博士生学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2012
2011 Johannes Chiang;I-Ju Tsai*, 2011.12, 'Ubiquitous Technology and BPM Convergence: Case Study of U-Service on Museum Films Management, ' Proceedings of ICCIT 2011, Advance Institute of Convergence IT.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2011
2011 Johannes K. Chiang;I-Ju Tsai*, 2011.06, 'Convergence of RFID-based Ubiquitous Services and Business Process Management ~ On Example of Image Archives Management, ' Proceeding of International Telecommunications Society Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2011., International Telecommunications Society.(DBLP)(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2011
2010 Johannes Chiang*;Chih Min Ou;Chi Yau Chen;Kenny Huang, 2010.12, 'Traffic Model Simulation for the Competition of Internet Exchange, ' Proceeding of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Management Science and Information Engineering, IEEE/ICMSIE.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2010
2010 姜国辉*;林圣杰;张永承, 2010.12, '通路与售后服务商的B2B 电子商务之实务研究~以某工程机械公司为例, ' 第十六届资讯管理暨实务研讨会大会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会, pp.1414-1432.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2010
2010 姜国辉;蔡依儒*;郭镇武, 2010.12, 'RFID为主之U化效益实务研究─以博物馆文物底片库为例, ' 第十六届资讯管理暨实务研讨会大会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会, pp.2046-2061.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2010
2010 姜国辉;刘彦辰;陈鸿文*, 2010.12, '建构一以RFID 定位之扩增实境系统, ' 第十六届资讯管理暨实务研讨会大会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会, pp.1688-1076.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2010
2010 Johannes K. Chiang;Yuan-Cheng Jan;Liang Yuxian Eugene*, 2010.11, 'Multidimensional Data Mining of Association Rules in Various Granularities, ' IEEE WMWA 2010, IEEE/WMWA.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010
2010 姜国辉*;叶信源;郑惠心, 2010.11, '云端服务系统:帐号救援之理论与实作架构, ' 2010联合国际研讨会论文集, 教育部顾问室资通安全联盟中心, 中华民国资讯管理学会等, pp.114-126.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010
2010 姜国辉;蔡依儒*, 2010.10, '博物馆文物底片管理导入RFID之效益研究, ' 2010年中华商管科技学会年会暨学术研讨会论文集, 中华商管科技学会,国立屏东科技大学管理学院.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2010
2010 姜国辉*;翁隽杰;黄胜雄, 2010.08, '以手机为基础的帐号救援云端服务, ' Information Services Management in Ubiquitous Commerce, 香港城市大学.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2010
2010 姜国辉*;赵凯康;侯凯仁, 2010.08, '影响国际快递物流服务客户喜好因素的权重关系之研究, ' Information Services Management in Ubiquitous Commerce, 香港城市大学.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2010
2010 姜国辉*;郑银华;林冠宇, 2010.06, 'RFID技术于第三方物流管理应用之研究, ' 2010年资讯技术与产业应用研讨会论文集, 北台湾科技大学.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2010
2010 Hsu-Hao Tsai*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2010.05, 'E-commerce literature trend forecasting: A study of bibliometric methodology, ' Proceedings of NISS 2010, NISS, IEEE, pp.671 - 676.(*为通讯作者), May. 2010
2010 Chen-Wo Kuo*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2010.04, 'The preliminary study of ubiquitous infrastructure of museum service applications in national palace museum, ' ACACOS''10 Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international conference on Applied computer and applied computational science, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS).(ACM)(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2010
2010 姜国辉;吴文进*, 2010.03, 'NTFS档案系统鑑识与分析-以ADSs恶意程式为例, ' EITS2010数码教学暨资讯实务研讨会论文集, 南台科技大学.(*为通讯作者), Mar. 2010
2009 Wei-Cheng Liao*;Johannes K. Chiang;Chi-Yen Yin, 2009.12, 'Decision making model on strategic technology investment using game theory, ' Proceedings of IEEM2009, IEEE, pp.813 - 817.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2009
2009 Chen-Wo Kuo*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2009.12, 'A ubiquitous infrastructure applications to support museum''s service, ' 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2009
2009 Chen-Wo Kuo*;Johannes K. Chiang;Quo-Ping Lin, 2009.11, 'The Research on Applying RFID Information System Architecture for Museum Service, ' 2009 Fourth International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, ICCIT, IEEE, pp.218-222.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2009
2009 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2009.08, 'A new approach for mining multi-dimensional association patterns with various granularities, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.502-509.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kiekang Chao;Kenny Huang, 2009.08, 'New Internationalized Domain Name Technologies and Implementations, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.642-647.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Johannes K. Chiang*;Jui-Fen Lee;Jan-Shan Lin, 2009.08, 'A Case Study on Developing Innovative e-Services for Property Management, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.367-342.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 姜国辉*;尹其言, 2009.08, '电子商务的趋势分析与文献成长力研究, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.350-356.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 姜国辉*;郭镇武, 2009.08, 'U化故宫之应用探讨, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.360-364.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 姜国辉*;郭镇武;蔡依儒, 2009.08, '品牌行销与数码内容授权 - 以故宫博物院为例, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.432-437.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 姜国辉*;刘彦辰, 2009.08, '建构一个智慧型以物易物电子商务平台, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.356-360.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Chi-Yen Yin*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2009.08, 'Social Capital: The Literature Productivity Review and Trend Forecast Using Bibliometric Methodology from 1959 to 2008, ' Proceedings of Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, INC, IMS and IDC/IEEE, pp.1041-1046.(IEEE, SCI)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Johannes K. Chiang*;Wen-Chin Wu;Wei-Cheng Liao;Chi-Yen Yin, 2009.08, 'Machine Learning Trend Anticipation by Text Mining Methodology Based on SSCI Database, ' Proceedings of Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, INC, IMS and IDC/IEEE, pp.612-617.(IEEE, SCI)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2008 Johannes K. Chiang;Kenny Huang*, 2008.06, 'LIFETOBE, An Innovative e-Service for Smart Living Environment, ' Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies: Human-Centric Smart Living Technology, 中华民国内政部,国立成功大学,资策会,财团法人中华建筑中心, pp.3B.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2008
2007 姜国辉*;Kiekang Chao, 2007.12, 'A simulation and prediction model to enhance e-service sharing and SCM market competition, ' 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE/IEEM, pp.0-1.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kiekang Chao, 2007.12, 'A Simulation and Prediction Model to enhance SCM Service Sharing, ' Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on IEEM 2007, IEEE /IEEM, National Singapore University.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2007.12, 'An Approach for Multidimensional Data Mining on various Granularities ~ on Example of Financial Portfolio Management, ' Proceedings of the 8th APIEM&CCIE, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems and Chinese Institute of IE.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;KieKang Chao, 2007.12, 'Business Process Management on the Application of RFID into Medical Blood Pack Handling, ' Proceeding of the 8th APIEMS & CIIE Conference 2007, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems and 2007 Chinese Institute of IE.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Ada Hui-Chuan Chen, 2007.12, 'Gestalt of Acceptance Model for Commercialized Technology ~ Validated on the Case of Internet Banking from the Perspective of Users’ Trust and Willingness, ' Proceeding of APIEMS & CIIE Conference 2007, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems and Chinese Institute of Industrial Engin.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2007.12, 'Multidimensional data mining of association patterns in various granularities for healthcare service portfolio management, ' 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE.(EI, IEEE, Inspect, Thomson)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang;Eric Yen, 2007.12, 'e-Gov Reform and Shared Services in Taiwan, ' 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE International Conference on IE and Engineering Management.(EI, IEEE, Thomson, Inspect)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2007
2007 姜国辉*, 2007.11, 'M型化社会与智慧型电子商务发展, ' 电子商务论坛, 国贸局,台北市电脑公会.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2007.10, 'Gestalt of an Approach for Multidimensional Data Mining on Concept Taxonomy Forest to Discover Association Patterns with various Data Granularities, ' 19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence(ICTAI 2007), IEEE Computer Society.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 2007.10, 'Internet Exchange Traffic/Service Sharing and Market Competition, ' Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON 2007, IEEE.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 2007.09, 'A Simulation and Prediction Model for Cyber Traffic Sharing and Competition, ' Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS 2007), Kaise.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2007.09, 'A Research into GRID Interoperation to enhance Knowledge Services, ' Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS 2007), Kaise.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 2007.09, 'Prototype Design of Decision Support for GRID Clearinghouse Service Framework, ' Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS 2007), Kasie.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2007.09, 'Developing a Governmental Long-term Archie Management System on Semantic Grid (Conference Best Presentation Paper), ' Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2007), Kaise.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2007
2007 [Johannes K. Chiang*, 2007.09, 'Developing an Approach for multidimensional Data Mining on Various Granularities ~ on Example of Financial Portfolio Discovery(Conference Best Paper), ' Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2007), KAISE.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 2007.06, 'A Simulation and Prediction Model for Cyber Traffic Sharing and Competition, ' Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (WorldComp 2007).(DBLP, IEEE, Thomson Index)(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 2007.06, 'An Economic GRID Service Framework ~ Extending the Cleaninghouse Paradigm, ' Proceedings of the 2007 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering & Applied Computing.(DBLP, IEEE, Thomson Index)(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang;Eric Yen, 2007.05, 'A Research into GRID Interoperation, ' Proceedings of ITIA Conference 2007.(*为通讯作者), May. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang;Eric Yen:, 2007.05, 'A Research into e-Gov Reform and Shared Services in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of ITIA 2007 Conference.(*为通讯作者), May. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 2007.05, 'Problems and Solution to Multi-Lingual Domain Names, ' Proceedings of ITIA Conference 2007.(*为通讯作者), May. 2007
2007 姜国辉;许荣洲*, 2007.05, '信任与否决定网络银行的使用意愿, ' Proceeding of the ITIAConference 2007, 中华民国资讯管理学会,资讯应用发展协会,北台湾科技大学.(*为通讯作者), May. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang;Kenny Huang*, 2007.03, 'e-Gov Shared Service Development and Experience Sharing, ' International Symposium on Grid Computing 2007, 3 Apr 2007., Academica Sinica.(*为通讯作者), Mar. 2007
2006 姜国辉;蔡本源;陈志家*, 2006.12, '导入PLM对提昇企业研发流管理能力之个案研究, ' 2006电子化企业应用论坛论文集, 行政院内政部/客委会, 亲民技术学院 etc..(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006
2006 姜国辉*;赵凯康;馀信贤, 2006.08, 'RFID在第三方物流应用之研究, ' 第十二届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会论文集, 香港中文大学,中华民国资讯管理学会等.(中国十大会议论文)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2006
2006 Johannes K. Chiang;Shian-Shyong Tseng;Kenny Huang*, 2006.05, 'Packet Fragmentation in IPv6 and IPv4 Integrated Environment, ' Proceedings on Internationall Symposium on Grid Computing 2006, Academica Sinica.(*为通讯作者), May. 2006
2005 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2005.11, 'Developing a Governmental Long-term Archie management System on Semantic Grid, ' Proceedings on PRDLA and PNC Annual Conference 2005, PRDLA and PNC.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2005
2005 Johannes. K. Chiang*;Jia Chi Wu, 2005.05, 'Mining Multi-Dimension Rules in Multiple Database Segmentation-On Examples of Cross-Selling, ' Proceedings of the 16th ICIM Conference, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2005
2005 姜国辉;邱光庆*, 2005.05, '以动态能力观点建构知识管理的价值创造模式:以虚拟企业为例, ' 2005年协同商务价值链之经营控管实务研讨会论文集, 景文科技大学.(*为通讯作者), May. 2005
2005 Johannes K. Chiang;Kenny Huang*, 2005.04, 'GRID Clearinghouse Service Framework, ' Proceedings on International Symposium on Grid Computing 2005, Academica Sinica.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;江欣容;吴家齐, 2005.01, '协同作业架构中之统计知识挖掘系统模型之研究~ 以人口预测为例, ' 中华企业资源规划学会九十四年度年会暨ERP学术与实务研讨会论文集, 中华企业资源规划学会.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2005
2005 姜国辉*;黄惠卿;许荣洲, 2005.01, '台湾金融集团共同行销现况与资讯系统整合架构之探讨, ' 九十四年度ERP学术与实务研讨会论文集, 中华企业资源规划学会.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2005
2004 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2004.12, 'e-Business Agreements and Contracts ~ from ASP''s point of View, ' Proceedings of Workshop on Unified e-Business Agreements and Contract s (UBAC), UN/CEFECT, UN/CEFECT(TMG/UBAC).(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2004
2003 姜国辉*;张小萍;赖盈汝, 2003.11, '台湾数码电视产业及相关数码内容发展之初探, ' 2003年数码内容创意加值研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2003
2003 姜国辉*;金希修, 2003.11, '由资讯休閒业发展为基础之台、韩数码内容产业比较研究, ' 2003年数码内容创意加值研讨会论文集, 国科会/台湾大学.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2003
2003 姜国辉*;赵培因, 2003.11, '由美国文件档案管理架构探讨我国公部门数码内容典藏发展策略, ' 2003年数码内容创意加值研讨会论文集, 国科会.台湾大学.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2003
2003 姜国辉*;吴俊德, 2003.08, '中医医药 Metadata之研究 ~ 以「本草备要」为例, ' 第九届海峡兩岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会论文集, 中国安徽理工大学,中华民国资讯管理学会等.(中国十大重要会议论文)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2003
2003 姜国辉*;锺丰谦;吴俊德, 2003.06, '以专家策略为本的交易夥伴搜寻辅助, ' 第十四届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2003
2002 姜国辉*;吴俊德, 2002.08, '国小老师的专业发展与学习创造力, ' 第八届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会论文集, 澳门科技大学,中华民国资管学会等.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2002
2002 姜国辉*;锺丰谦, 2002.08, '商务环境中注册机置之研究~ ebXML and UDDI, ' 第八届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会论文集, 澳门科技大学,中华民国资讯管理学会等.(中国全文来源网,中国十大重要会议论文)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2002
2002 姜国辉*;丁立迈, 2002.08, '知识经济之体认与作为(会议最佳论文), ' 第八届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会论文集, 澳门科技大学,中华民国资管学会等.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2002
2002 姜国辉;吴俊德*;庄惠惠, 2002, '建立;跨越产业内外流程整合与电子资料标准之资料网络-以ebXML的架构为例, ' 2002年制商整合学术暨实务研讨会论文集, 教育部/制商整合计画,岭东科技大学.(*为通讯作者), 2002
2001 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2001.08, 'Integrative Solutions with strategy and IT for knowledge management, ' 第七届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2001
2001 江欣容;姜国辉*, 2001.08, '供应链与五流管理之研究, ' 第七届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会论文集, 中国电子计算机学会,中华民国资讯管理学会,中国中南理工大学等.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2001
2000 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2000.10, 'Notes to the Realization of Internet-centric CALS based on STEP and XML, ' 第六届海峡两岸资讯管理策略研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2000
2000 姜国辉*, 2000.09, '资讯与网络经济发展之研究, ' 第六届海峡两岸三地资讯管理研讨会论文集, 中华民国资管学会.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2000
2000 姜国辉*, 2000.09, '网际网络在台湾之发展与展望, ' 第六届海峡两岸三地资讯管理研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2000
2000 姜国辉*, 2000.05, '资讯管理系统中知识管理之建构, ' 知识管理研讨会 – 领导21世纪之经营管理论文集, 国立政治大学,经济部中小企业处.(*为通讯作者), May. 2000
2000 姜国辉*, 2000.04, '网际网络知识工厂与电子商务, ' 资讯管理实务研讨会论文集, 吴凤技术学院.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2000
2000 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2000.01, 'An Internet Open University for Small and Middle sized Enterprises - A Project of Research and Learning Centre for SMEs Northern Taiwan, ' Proceedings on the 2000 PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, PNC.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2000
1999 Johannes K.Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 1999.10, 'Lessons from Planning and Learning Campus-wide Network, ' 中国电子计算机工程与应用学会年会及第13届全国MIS学术会议论文集.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 1999
1999 姜国辉*;林智惟, 1999.09, '网络社区与其间网络技术应用之探讨, ' 第五届海峡两岸资讯管理策略研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 1999
1999 姜国辉*, 1999.07, '网络与资讯科技在企业知识整合之应用~群组知识之互通性与开放式超媒体文件, ' 产业管理冀竞争力研讨会论文集, 东海大学.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 1999
1998 姜国辉*;张孟元, 1998.10, '企业资料仓储之初探, ' 中国电子计算机工程与应用学会及第13届全国MIS学术会议, 中华民国资管学会,中国电子计算机工程与应用学会.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 1998
1998 姜国辉*, 1998.09, '以IntraNet为基础之多国语言文件管理系统, ' 中国电子计算机工程与应用学会第13届全国MIS学术会议论文集, 中国电子计算机工程与应用学会,中华民国资管学会.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 1998
1998 姜国辉*, 1998.08, '运用资讯技术改善医院住院处理绩效之研究, ' 第四届海峡两岸资讯管理策略研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 1998
1998 姜国辉*, 1998.08, '企业流程再造与持续改善:探讨不同时间架构中之方法, ' 第四届海峡两岸资讯管理策略研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 1998
1997 姜国辉*, 1997.10, '一个支援统计程序品管之非单调式推理知识库系统(会议最佳论文), ' 中国电子计算机工程与应用学会年会暨第12届全国MIS学术会议论文集.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 1997
1997 周宣光;姜国辉*;刘秋菊, 1997.05, '全面品质管理与管理资讯系统相互关系之研究, ' 第八届国际资讯管理研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理管理.(*为通讯作者), May. 1997
1997 张金鹗;张振煌;姜国辉, 1997.01, '消费者购屋决策专家系统之研究, ' 中华民国住宅学会第六届年会与研讨会论文集, 中华民国住宅学会., Jan. 1997
1996 姜国辉*, 1996.12, '建构一个以超媒体文件为基底之电脑辅助品质展开系统, ' 国科会工程处1996研讨会论文集, 国科会工程处.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 1996
1996 Johannes K. Chiang*, 1996.10, 'Advanced IT for Total Quality Improvement, ' Proceedings on 8th Fall Conference for Advanced IT in Management, University of Syracus, Advanced IT in Management.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 1996
1996 姜国辉*;杨博文, 1996.10, '一个应用于CSCW环境中的协同控制机制之雏形-研究CSCW之通讯控制, ' TaNet’96研讨会论文集, 教育部(TaNet).(*为通讯作者), Oct. 1996
1996 Johannes K. Chiang*;Li-Lin Liu, 1996.01, 'Business Process Reengineering and Total Quality Management: Exploring the Methodologies at Different Time Frames, ' Proceedings on Pacific-Basin Business Conference, 国立政治大学,中华民国管科会.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 1996
1996 姜国辉*, 1996, '品质机能展开与软件品管, ' 软件品管研讨会论文集, 国科会,政治大学统计系.(*为通讯作者), 1996
1995 姜国辉;刘秋菊, 1995.10, '管理资讯系统提昇全面品质管理之研究, ' 第二届资讯管理研究暨实务研讨会., Oct. 1995
1995 姜国辉*, 1995.05, '一个可支援统计程序管制之非单调式推理知识系统, ' 品质管理与品质技术应用研讨会论文集, 国立政治大学,国科会.(*为通讯作者), May. 1995
1989 Johannes K. Chiang*;T. Pfeifer, 1989.09, 'Building Model based Reasoning Systems for Simulation and Diagnosing Machinery, ' Proceeding of XIV. Symposium on Operation Research, Association of Operation Research.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Sep. 1989
年度 书名
2018 Eric Yen*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2018.12, 'Development of Open Collaboration Framework for Disaster Mitigation, ' Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics ~ Managing Disruption, Big Data and Open Science, Springer, pp.1-2.(*为通讯作者), 430393, Dec. 2018
2009 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kiekang Chao, 2009.12, 'Architectural Design for GRID Clearinghouse Service, ' Production Grids in Asia, Applications, Developments and Global Ties, Springer.(*为通讯作者), 296424, Dec. 2009
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kiekang Chao, 2007.12, 'A Simulation and Prediction Model to enhance SCM Service Sharing, ' IEEM 2007, IEEEIEEM.(*为通讯作者), 255575, Dec. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2007.12, 'Multidimensional Data Mining of Association Patterns to enhance Healthcare Services, ' IEEM2007, IEEEIEEM.(*为通讯作者), 255572, Dec. 2007
2007 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kenny Huang;Eric Yen, 2007.12, 'e-Gov Reform and Shared Services in Taiwan, ' IEEM 2007, IEEEIEEM.(*为通讯作者), 255571, Dec. 2007
1998 姜国辉*, 1998.09, '系统分析与设计", 软件品质篇", ' 系统分析与设计, 国立空中大学.(*为通讯作者), 255547, Sep. 1998
1998 姜国辉*, 1998.05, 'IPv6及其前瞻性应用, ' 网际网络, 光盘与网页版, 中华民国教育部.(*为通讯作者), 255552, May. 1998
1994 Johannes K. Chiang*, 1994.09, 'Qualitatsplanungssystematik auf der Basis von Hypertext-Techniken -- Ein Beitrag zur rechnerunterstutzten Teamarbeit in der ganzheitlichen Qualitatsplanung, ' Verlag Mainz, Wissenschaftsverlag.(德语(文))(*为通讯作者), 255553, Sep. 1994
计画类别 年度 计画名称 参与人 职称/担任之工作 计画期间 补助/委讬或合作机构
非科技部 107 寂寞经济之陪伴游玩及人才媒合软件 姜国辉 计画主持人 2018.11 ~ 2019.02 梅惠企业有限公司
非科技部 104 云端工程世界资讯系统建置与优化 姜国辉 计画主持人 2015.10 ~ 2016.09 育晟营造有限公司
非科技部 104 产业链及网络舆情之大数据分析技术应用及研究案 李有仁,姜国辉 共同主持人 2015.06 ~ 2016.02 中华电信股份有限公司数据通信分公司
科技部 103 混合云之用户身份认证、档案授权及权责~云端运算资安与互通性之基础研究 姜国辉 计画主持人 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 科技部
非科技部 102 台湾人寿教育训练云端游戏化课程 姜国辉 计画主持人 2013.12 ~ 2014.10 台湾人寿保险股份有限公司
科技部 99 以资讯安全为主的云端档案权限管理与同步化之研究 姜国辉 计画主持人 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 科技部
非科技部 95 2006台北创投暨科技产业系列论坛 姜国辉 计画主持人 2006.04 ~ 2006.12 台北市政府建设局
非科技部 94 九十四年度国立政治大学创新育成中心计画 林碧炤,姜国辉 共同主持人 2005.01 ~ 2005.12 经济部中小企业处
非科技部 93 策略性服务产业-电子化营运资讯应用研究 姜国辉 计画主持人 2004.08 ~ 2004.12 财团法人资讯工业策进会
非科技部 93 国立政治大学中小企业创新育成中心 吴思华,姜国辉 协同主持人 2004.01 ~ 2004.12 经济部中小企业处
非科技部 92 补助公民营机构设立中小企业创新育成中心计画 吴思华,姜国辉 协同主持人 2003.01 ~ 2003.12 经济部
非科技部 91 符合ebXML标准之交易夥伴自动撮合方法研究 姜国辉,蔡瑞煌 计画主持人 2002.01 ~ 2002.12 财团法人资讯工业策进会
非科技部 91 九十一年度国立政治大学中小企业创新育成中心 吴思华,姜国辉 协同主持人 2002.01 ~ 2002.12 经济部中小企业处
科技部 89 STEP标准应用研究 姜国辉 计画主持人 1999.07 ~ 2000.06 科技部
科技部 86 支援品质机能展开之网络型开放式超媒体群体知识工作坊 姜国辉 计画主持人 1996.08 ~ 1997.07 科技部
科技部 84 建构一个以超媒体文件为基底之电脑辅助品质展开系统 姜国辉 计画主持人 1995.02 ~ 1996.01 科技部
年度 名称 发表日期 全部作者
2017 姜国辉*, 2017.12, '云端工世界程资讯系统建置与优画, ' 育晟公司.(*为通讯作者) 2017-12-01
2015 姜国辉*, 2015.07, '混合云之用户身份认证、档案授权及权责~云端运算资安与互通性之基础研究, ' 科技部.(*为通讯作者) 2015-07-01
2015 姜国辉*, 2015.07, '台湾人寿教育训练云端游戏化课程期末报告, ' 台湾人寿.(*为通讯作者) 2015-07-01
2015 姜国辉;邱冠中*, 2015.02, '基于 Benford 定律之智慧型帐务異常侦测模型-以健保 为研究对象, ' 科技部.(*为通讯作者) 2015-02-01
2014 姜国辉;陈昭元*, 2014.05, '手机应用扩增实境导览系统, ' 科技部.(*为通讯作者) 2014-05-01
2014 姜国辉*, 2014.05, '当前免费体验与行动应用软件(Apps)采用度之研究, ' 科技部.(*为通讯作者) 2014-05-01
2011 姜国辉*, 2011.07, '以资讯安全为主的云端档案权限管理与同步化之研究, ' 国科会.(*为通讯作者) 2011-07-01
2007 姜国辉, 2007.10, '智慧型电子商务工具, ' NICI,国贸局. 2007-10-01
2006 姜国辉*, 2006.12, '"2006台北创投暨科技产业论坛"计画报告, ' 台北市政府.(*为通讯作者) 2006-12-01
2006 姜国辉*, 2006.12, 'International Domain Name Conflicts and Resolution ~ Report on 2006 ICANN Brazil Annual Meeting, ' 国科会.(*为通讯作者) 2006-12-01
2005 姜国辉*, 2005.05, '国立政治大学九十三学年度种子计画, ' 国立政治大学.(*为通讯作者) 2005-05-01
2004 姜国辉*, 2004.12, '策略性服务产业-电子化营运资讯应用研究, ' 资讯工业策进会.(*为通讯作者) 2004-12-01
2004 姜国辉*, 2004.11, '电子档案长期保存技术之研究, ' 档案管理局.(*为通讯作者) 2004-11-01
2004 姜国辉*, 2004.04, 'UN/CEFACT 电子商务研究机构(波昂)全员论坛报告, ' NICI及国贸局.(*为通讯作者) 2004-04-01
2003 姜国辉, 2003.12, 'UDDI交易伙伴搜寻, ' 资讯工业策进会. 2003-12-01
2003 姜国辉*, 2003.12, 'UN/CEFACT TMG委员会内部会议及电子商务整合合约(UBAC)研讨会报告, ' NICI及国贸局.(*为通讯作者) 2003-12-01
1996 姜国辉*, 1996.05, '建构一个以超媒体文件为基底之电脑辅助品质展开系统, ' 国科会.(*为通讯作者) 1996-05-01
1993 Johannes K. Chiang*;T. Pfeifer*, 1993.12, 'Konsequente Qualitaetsplannung als bereichsuebergreifendes Instrument zur Sicherung der Produkt- und Prozessqualitaet, ' BMFT und Kfk Karlsruhe, Germany.(*为通讯作者) 1993-12-01
1992 Johannes K. Chiang*, 1992.11, 'Innovative Designprozesse fuer die Produktplanung, ' 德国邦联科技发展部及Kfz.(德语(文))(*为通讯作者) 1992-11-01
1992 姜国辉*, 1992.07, 'Konsequente Qualitaetsplanung - Bereich-uebergreifende Instrument fuer die Qualitaetssicherung der Produkte und Produktionsprozesse, ' 德国邦联科技发展部第及卡斯鲁尔核心技术研究中心.(德语(文))(*为通讯作者) 1992-07-01
1986 姜国辉*, 1986.06, '电脑辅助线上齿轮量测系统, ' 经济部工业局计画,.(*为通讯作者) 1986-06-01
1986 姜国辉*, 1986.04, '开发一个具有心音知识库之无线听诊器, ' 工业技术研究院技术.(*为通讯作者) 1986-04-01
1985 姜国辉*, 1985.06, '三度空间座标量测仪之数值控制,数据传输与几何量测软件, ' 工业技术研究院技术报告.(*为通讯作者) 1985-06-01
1982 姜国辉*, 1982.09, '手状机器人之功能规划与其数值控制器之设计, ' 行政院科技顾问组计划报告,年9月.(*为通讯作者) 1982-09-01
1981 姜国辉*, 1981.09, '综合切削中心数值控制器之可程式接口与数据传输协定, ' 工业技术研究院技术报告.(*为通讯作者) 1981-09-01
国家 学校名称 系所 学位 期间
德国 德国阿亨科技大学 工程科学系 博士 1988.03 ~ 1994.07
德国 西德亚亨工业大学 机械工程学类 硕士 1987.04 ~ 1988.03
台湾,中华民国 国立成功大学 工程科学系 学士 1975.09 ~ 1979.06
经历类别 服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 副教授 2013.01 ~ 2022.06
经历一览 台湾网络资讯中心(TWNIC) Board of Director Consultant 2011.04 ~ 迄今
经历一览 UN/CEFECT TMG Member 2003.07 ~ 2007.06
经历一览 卜乐视公司(TVPlus) R&D CTO 2001.01 ~ 2001.12
经历一览 ICANN @Large Committee Committee Member 2000.01 ~ 2002.12
校内本职 政治大学 资讯管理学系 副教授 1994.08 ~ 2013.01
经历一览 ACM Senior Member 1994.08 ~ 迄今
经历一览 IEEE ICT Society Senior Member 1994.08 ~ 迄今
经历一览 资管评论 编辑委员
经历一览 产业电子化年度白皮书 编辑委员
类别 年度 奖项名称 颁奖单位
校外 99 Certificate of Economic Achievement Economists
校外 89 Nomination of Board Member ICANN
校外 82 Highest Quality of Technical Annex EU/CEC