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Shi-Yuan Huang;Chun-I Fan;Yi-Fan Tseng, 2016.09, 'Enabled/Disabled Predicate Encryption in Clouds, ' Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.62, pp.148-160.(SCI), vol. 429653, Sep. 2016 |
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林怡伶*;Peter Brusilovsky;Daqing He, 2016.09, 'Finding cultural heritage images through a Dual-Perspective Navigation Framework, ' Information Processing & Management, Vol.52, No.5, pp.820-839.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 413280, Sep. 2016 |
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Lai, Cheng-Yu;Yang, Heng-Li*, 2016.08, 'Determinants and Consequences of Facebook Feature Use, ' New Media & Society, Vol.18, No.7, pp.1310-1330.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 483434, Aug. 2016 |
2016 |
李有仁*;童振源;张书勳, 2016.08, 'The Wisdom of Crowds in Action: Forecasting Epidemic Diseases with a Web-based Prediction Market System, ' International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol.92, No.8, pp.35-43.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 411868, Aug. 2016 |
2016 |
Ying-Wei Shih*;Hsien-Chang Huang;汤宗益, 2016.08, 'Effects of Personality Traits on Member Loyalty to Online Communities: Investigation from the Views of Relationship Proneness, Relational Benefits, and Relationship Quality, ' International Journal of Science, Technology and Society, Vol.4(3), No.4(3), pp.pp. 41-47.(*为通讯作者), vol. 410852, Aug. 2016 |
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尚孝纯;吴雅玲;李有仁*, 2016.06, 'Field Effects of Social Media Platforms on Information Sharing Continuance: Do Reach and Richness Matter?, ' Information and Management, Vol.54, No.2, pp.241-255.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 411875, Jun. 2016 |
2016 |
周彦君;Howard Hao-Chun Chuang;Benjamin B. Shao*, 2016.06, 'The impact of e-retail characteristics on initiating mobile retail services: A modular innovation perspective, ' Information and Management, Vol.53, No.4, pp.481-492.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 409217, Jun. 2016 |
2016 |
Yen-Chun Chou;庄皓钧;Benjamin B. Shao*, 2016.06, 'The impact of e-retailer characteristics on initiating mobile retail services: A modular innovation perspective, ' Information & Management, Vol.53, No.4, pp.481-492.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 408713, Jun. 2016 |
2016 |
庄皓钧;Rogelio Oliva*;Sheng Liu, 2016.05, 'On-shelf availability, retail performance, and external audits: A field experiment, ' Production and Operations Management, Vol.25, No.5, pp.935-951.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 408185, May. 2016 |
2016 |
李有仁;张芳凯*, 2016.04, '运用智慧型手机应用程式设计博物馆行动导览系统之因素探讨, ' 观光休閒学报, Vol.22, No.1, pp.61-94.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 414235, Apr. 2016 |