
年度 论文名称
2001 颜小娟, 2001.05, '资讯服务厂商行销道德决策过程研究, ' 第12界国际资讯管理学术研讨会, 台北., May. 2001
2001 Eugenia Y. Huang;Helen Hou, 2001.04, 'I-Commerce potential of the middle aged population in Taiwan (Best Paper Award), ' Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, USA., Apr. 2001
2001 管长青;蔡维奇, 2001, '影响学习型组织形成之相关因素研究:以工程顾问业为例。, ' 2001科际整合管理国际研讨会, 东吴大学企业管理系., 2001
2001 Tsai, W. C.;Huang, Y. M., 2001, 'Exploring mediating processes underlying the relationship between employee displayed positive emotions and customer behavioral intentions., ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2001
2001 杨亨利, 2001, '网际网络下网站隐私权保护决策之研究, ' 89学年度国科会(管理二学门)资讯管理理论与实务论文研讨会, 国科会., 2001
2001 杨亨利;林俊伊, 2001, '汽车装配业如何利用IT工具达成CRM的精神, ' 装配业电子化研究成果推广稿研讨会, 台北市., 2001
2001 苑守慈, 2001, 'Negotiation-Credit Driven Coalition Formation in E-Markets, ' Forth Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, Taiwan., 2001
2001 苑守慈, 2001, 'A Learnng-Enabled Integrative Trust Model for E-Markets, ' International Conference of Autonomous Agents 2001 Workshop On Deception,Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, Canada., 2001
2001 周逸衡;傅丰玲;赖怡玲, 2001, '网络购物决策中动机类型之分析, ' 第七届海峡两岸资讯管理发展战略研讨会, 国科会., 2001
2001 周逸衡;傅丰玲;曹书铭, 2001, '小企业对资讯服务品质与关系的认知, ' 第七届海峡两岸资讯管理发展战略研讨会, 国科会., 2001