2013 |
Eugenia Y. Huang*;Shu-Chiung Lin;Yi-Chen Ho;I-Ting Hsieh, 2013.06, 'The Effect of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Informational Conformity on Impulse Purchasing, ' Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Information System 2013 (PACIS 2013) Social, Mobile, and IT Revolution Workshop, PACIS.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2013 |
2013 |
萧舜文*;陈怡宁;孙雅丽;陈孟彰, 2013.06, 'Combining Dynamic Passive Analysis and Active Fingerprinting for Effective Bot Malware Detection in Virtualized Environments, ' Proc. International Conference on Network and System Security, IEEE, pp.699-706.(EI, DBLP, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2013 |
2013 |
Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen;Yen-Hua Chen, 2013.05, 'AUTHENTICATION, AUTHORIZATION AND FILE SYNCHRONIZATION ON HYBRID CLOUD-ON CASE OF GOOGLE DOCS, HADOOP, LINUX AND MS-WINDOWS LOCAL HOSTS, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013 |
2013 |
Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen;Peggy P.S. Chiang, 2013.05, 'Knowledge-Management-Centric Long-Term Preservation on Semantic Grid, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013 |
2013 |
Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen;Yen-Hua Chen, 2013.05, 'REALIZATION OF AUTHENTICATION, AUTHORIZATION AND FILE CONTENT AUTHORIZATION FOR HYBRID CLOUD, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013 |
2013 |
Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen;Yu-Long Lin, 2013.05, 'On Interoperation of Hybrid Cloud from MISs’ Perspective, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013 |
2013 |
Johannes K. Chiang*;Yi-Hsuan Kao;Szu-Yi Huang, 2013.05, 'Exploring Effects of Free-Trial to the Diffusion of Mobile Applications, ' ICIM 2013 第24届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013 |
2013 |
Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.05, 'A Markov-Chain-based Simulation and Prediction Model for Internet Traffic Optimization and QoS, ' Proceedings of the 2013 Annual IEEE CQR International Workshop, IEEE Communication Society.(*为通讯作者), May. 2013 |
2013 |
Johannes K. Chiang*, 2013.05, 'Long-Term Preservation on Semantic Grid, ' Proceedings of the Fifth International workshop on Grid Computing (GridCom-2013), Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).(*为通讯作者), May. 2013 |
2013 |
Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2013.05, 'On GRID Interoperation for Knowledge Services, ' Proceedings of The Fifth International workshop on Grid Computing (GridCom-2013), Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).(*为通讯作者), May. 2013 |