
年度 论文名称
1991 馀千智, 1991, '整合性专家决策支援系统在企业管理领域之应用, '., vol. 120054, 1991
1991 刘文卿;Tan, C. Y., 1991, 'Covering Convex Rectilinear Polygons in Linear Time, '., vol. 120133, 1991
1991 刘文卿, 1991, 'Storing Ssu-k''u Ch''uan-Shu on Optical Discs, '., vol. 120132, 1991
1991 杨建民, 1991, '校园网络线上即时资讯系统模拟之研究, ' 资管评论, No.3., vol. 120089, 1991
1990 T. Pfeifer*;B. Faupel;Johannes K. Chiang, 1990.10, 'Model based diagnostic approaches in production, ' at (automation techniques), Vol.Vol. 12.(DFG)(德语(文))(*为通讯作者), vol. 255385, Oct. 1990
1990 裘锦天, 1990.07, '影碟重制技术应用之探讨, '., vol. 120171, Jul. 1990
1990 Lin, Woo-Tsong*, 1990.05, 'A Hybrid Production Scheduling Shell, ' MIS Review, No.2, pp.74-89.(*为通讯作者), vol. 119056, May. 1990
1990 Fern-Ching Lin*;陈恭, 1990.02, 'On the Design of a Unidirectional Systolic Array for Key Enumeration, ' IEEE Transactions on Computer, Vol.39, No.2, pp.266-269.(SCIE, EI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 199872, Feb. 1990
1990 裘锦天, 1990.02, '美国多媒体教育的新趋势, '., vol. 120172, Feb. 1990
1990 Chen, Chuen-Lung;Bulfin, R.L*, 1990, 'Scheduling Unit Processing Time Jobs on a Single Machine with Multiple Criteria, ' Computers and Operations Research, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1-7.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 308540, 1990