
年度 论文名称
2013 Yen-Hao Hsieh*;Yu-Ting Lin;Soe-Tsyr Yuan, 2013.05, 'Expectation-Based Coopetition Approach to Service Experience Design, ' Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol.34, No.5, pp.64-85.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 388050, May. 2013
2013 Eugenia Huang*;Kuo-Hua Huang, 2013.05, 'Exploring the effect of boundary objects on knowledge interaction, ' Decision Support Systems, Vol.56, pp.140-147.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 390294, May. 2013
2013 赵玉*, 2013.04, 'On the Lower Bounds of Monitor Solutions of Maximally Permis-, ' International Journal of Systems Science,.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 402422, Apr. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Sheng-Yin Huang, 2013.03, 'Multidimensional Multi-Granularity Data Mining for Healthcare Service Management, ' Journal of Data Processing, Vol.3, No.1, pp.31-37.(SciVerse Scopus, Ebsco, Ulrich, Google Scholar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 403692, Mar. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2013.03, 'Gestalt of Long-Term Preservation on Semantic-Grid on Taiwan, ' Journal of Information & Systems Management, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-10.(EI, SciVerse Scopus, Ebsco, Ulrich, Google Scholar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 392365, Mar. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2013.03, 'KNOWLEDGE-MANAGEMENT-CENTRIC LONG-TERM PRESERVATION ON SEMANTIC-GRID, ' International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ), Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(EI, ProQuest, EBSCO, Ulrich, Google Scolar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 379780, Mar. 2013
2013 李有仁*;Martin Parker, 2013.03, 'Citation Patterns in Organization and Management Journals: Margins and Centres, ' Organization, Vol.20, No.2, pp.299-322.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 373842, Mar. 2013
2013 赵玉*, 2013.03, 'Uniform Formulas for Compound Siphons, Complementary Siphons and Characteristic Vectors in Deadlock Prevention of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, '.(*为通讯作者), vol. 402423, Mar. 2013
2013 Gaiyun Liu;Daniel Yuh Chao;Fang Yu*, 2013.03, 'A Control Policy for a Subclass of Petri Nets without Reachability Analysis, ' IET Control Theory & Applications,.(SCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 388028, Mar. 2013
2013 Johannes K. Chiang*;Rui-Han Yang, 2013.03, 'Multidimensional Data Mining for Discover Association Rule in Various Granularities, ' Journal of Data Processing, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-12.(EI, SciVerse Scopus, Ebsco, Ulrich, Google Scholar)(*为通讯作者), vol. 392364, Mar. 2013