
年度 论文名称
2008 Oscar H. Ibarra;Sara Woodworth;Fang Yu;Andri Paun, 2008.03, 'On Spiking Neural P Systems and Partially Blind Counter Machines, ' Natural Computing, Vol.7, No.1, pp.3-19.(SCIE, ACM, DBLP), vol. 316613, Mar. 2008
2008 杨亨利*;张文祥, 2008.03, '多维度推荐系统:应用至行事历助理, ' 电子商务学报, Vol.10, No.1, pp.275-304.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 474434, Mar. 2008
2008 赵玉, 2008.02, 'Incremental Approach to Computation of Elementary Siphons for Arbitrary S3PR/IEE Proceedings Control Theory & Applications, 2007, ' IEE Proceedings Control Theory & Applications, 2007, Vol.2, No.2, pp.168-179.(SCI), vol. 239322, Feb. 2008
2008 Soe-Tsyr Yuan;Yen-Chuan Chen, 2008.02, 'Semantic Ideation Learning for Agent-Based e-Brainstorming, ' IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.20, No.2, pp.261-275.(SCI), vol. 237925, Feb. 2008
2008 Tu, Y. J. (杜雨儒);Piramuthu, S., 2008.01, 'Reducing False Reads in RFID-Embedded Supply Chains, ' Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Vol.3, No.2, pp.60-70.(SSCI), vol. 415080, Jan. 2008
2008 陈恭*;王大为, 2008.01, 'An Aspect-Oriented Approach to Privacy-Aware Access Control, ' Communications of the CCISA, Vol.14, No.1, pp.114-129.(*为通讯作者), vol. 265394, Jan. 2008
2008 蔡维奇;纪乃文, 2008, '团队情感氛围形成的前因、情境调节及个人层次后果变项之研究, ' 组织与管理, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-37., vol. 238001, 2008
2008 Kao, C.*;Lin, H. W.;Chung, S. L.;Tsai, W. C.(蔡维奇);Chiou, J. S.;Chen, Y. L., 2008, 'Ranking Taiwanese management journals: A case study, ' Scientometrics, Vol.76, pp.95-115.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 221692, 2008
2008 Chen, Y. C.*;Tsai, W. C. (蔡维奇);Hu, C. Y., 2008, 'The influences of interviewer-related and situational factors on interviewer reactions to high structured job interviews, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.19, pp.1056-1071.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 219566, 2008
2008 Chen, Chuen-Lung;Chen, C-L*, 2008, 'Bottleneck-focused heuristics to minimize tardy jobs in a flexible flow line with unrelated parallel machines, ' International Journal of Production Research, Vol.46, No.22, pp.6415-6430.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 349156, 2008