NCCU MIS & Purdue BAIM Dual Master Degree
2024-2025硕士双联学位申请资讯 Application Info
申请资格:政大资管系硕士班在籍学生,且预计于2024年7月(112-2学期)以前完成所有课程修习条件与论文口试(Final Defense)。若最终无法于2024年7月以前完成学位论文口试(Final Defense),则录取资格恐被撤销。学生若维持政大在学生身分前往,政大需付注册费,Purdue需付部分学分费与杂费。政大商学院另有双联学位奖学金可供在学生申请。NCCU MIS & Purdue BAIM Dual Master Degree
2024-2025硕士双联学位申请资讯 Application Info
申请时间:即日起至2023/11/24 (星期五) 下午5点前
- NCCU MIS & Purdue BAIM双联学位申请表
- 112-1政大在学证明【登入iNCCU→学生资讯系统→在学证明线上打印】(本学期休学者,请提供休学证明)
- 大学部与硕士班历年成绩单(英文)【请至教务处申请正本】
- > 2.4 GPA for STEM degrees, > 2.6 for non-STEM degrees,强烈建议>3,>3.5佳。
- TOEFL or IELTS or Duolingo「两年内」(Purdue系统申请截止日往前推算两年) 之英文能力成绩单影本,如未及时收到成绩单正本可检附网络成绩查询页面。如尚未取得成绩,请说明预计取得成绩时间,需不晚于Purdue系统申请截止日。(美国公民或永久居民免此项,但须提供身分证明)
- Purdue商学院共同门槛为TOEFL-ibt 总分93分 (Writing 20, Speaking 22, Listening 18, Reading 22),或IELTS总分7.5 (各项至少7.0),或Duolingo总分与分项为115 (强烈建议至少125)。
- GMAT or GRE 「五年内」(Purdue系统申请截止日往前推算五年) 之非官方网络成绩单影本。如尚未取得成绩,请说明预计取得成绩时间,需不晚于Purdue系统申请截止日。(具两年以上工作经验且GPA>3.3的美国公民或永久居民免此项,但须提供相关证明)
- GMAT 600或等值GRE为基本门槛。(过往申请人平均约680,仅供参考。)
- 一页Résumé。
- 强烈建议有至少2份相关实习经历、或至少一年的工作经验 (非必要)。
- Academic Statement of Purpose (2页内):The academic statement of purpose should not exceed two pages in length addressing the following prompts:
- What are your professional plans and career goals? How will attending graduate school assist you in reaching those goals?
- Describe your research, scholarly, or creative interests. What topics are of particular interest to you? Reviewers know that interests change over time but try to be as specific as possible.
- Discuss how your experiences, skills, and abilities have prepared you for graduate study. Relevant topics may include coursework, work and research experiences, internships, presentations, exhibits, publications, and community service. If you describe a research or scholarly experience, include information on the topic, research mentor, your role, and outcomes.
- Describe how your skills, preparation, and interests are a match for the program to which you are applying. Identify faculty who share your research and scholarly interests. Reviewers will want to know that you have researched the program, faculty, and key focus areas.
- Personal History Statement (未规定字数,不建议过长,约1页内):
- Describe how your background and life experiences contribute to your ability to be both persistent and resourceful in graduate school.
- Describe how your life experiences have prepared you to contribute to an academic community where scholars with diverse research interests, abilities, backgrounds, and experiences are supported, respected, and valued.
- Please address concerns that you may have that your academic record does not reflect your true capabilities and discuss mitigating factors that have affected your academic record. Reviewers will be interested in understanding your accomplishments relative to your opportunities.
- 「Purdue系统申请截止日」:本年度于政大资管系收件截止后,确认获推荐可进一步申请之同学,有机会可选择Round 3 (12/15)、Round 4 (3/15)、或Final Round (5/1)。名额会在确认名单后通知Purdue,并告知欲正式申请的时间点,惟是否正式录取仍须以Purdue面试后决定为主,若获本系推荐,强烈建议申请靠前的round,始能尽早得知是否正式录取,方便后续安排。
- Résumé
- Statements (包含Academic Statement of Purpose与Personal History Statement)
- 两封线上推荐信(不接受纸本)
- 大学以后的所有历年成绩单(英文,在Purdue正式录取前不需要纸本)
- KIRA Video Essay
- 「五年内」官方GMAT/GRE成绩 (具两年以上工作经验且GPA>3.3的美国公民或永久居民免此项,但须提供相关证明)
- 「两年内」TOEFL或IELTS成绩 (美国公民或永久居民免此项,但须提供身分证明)
Purdue的BAIM硕士学程为资料分析/资料科学相关领域的顶尖学程,曾受CIO Magazine评比为美国最佳资料科学学位第1名、Best-Masters.com北美商业分析与资讯管理硕士学程第1名、QS商业分析学程北美第6名、U.S. News & World Report商业分析学程全美第9名等佳绩,其毕业生在180天内取得工作录取的比率达到100%,录取单位包括Amazon、Facebook、Microsoft、Verizon、Walmart等知名企业,表现优异。BAIM硕士学程同时也属于STEM领域,政大双联同学因参与秋季与春季两个完整学期符合STEM资格,毕业可享有美国F1学生签证OPT时限延长资格,增加在美国找工作的优势。
Purdue商学院(原Krannert School of Management) 已于2023年全新改制为Daniels School of Business,由学校官方全力宣传理工与商业的整合,发挥学校强项。其中,MS BAIM为校方新闻稿提及的重点capstone学程,配合BAIM整合商业分析与资料科学或资料工程相关资源,接近100%的就业率,加上BAIM在美国以精实培育闻名业界,相信录取同学皆能有不错的发展前景。
美国普度大学(Purdue University)与政大资管系签定「国际双联学位合作计画」,本计画可推荐录取学生前往就读,透过本计画申请的学生可优先审核,并使用部分政大课程抵免部分Purdue学分。除节省取得双联学位的时间,亦能节省出国求学开销、增加职涯发展机会。有意申请者,请于旨揭申请期限前提出申请。
申请表如附件(请上政大资管系网页公告下载),欲申请同学请于截止日期以前,缴交申请表至商学院9楼资管系办公室林雨儒助教,若有任何问题,请洽资管系周致远助理教授 cy.chou@nccu.edu.tw,或资管系办公室林雨儒助教 dept@mis.nccu.edu.tw 、(02)29393091分机89055。

NCCU MIS & Purdue BAIM硕士双联学位申请相关资讯请参考以下网址: