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Location & Map

Traffic Instruction

1.     By bus:


Xin Xin bus company 236237611, Zhi-Nan bus company 123282530, Small-sized bus 10,  MRT Station bus  brown3 brown5brown6brown11brown15green1get off at the ZhenDa stop


2.    By MRT:

Brown LineTake MuZha Line(brown line), get off at Taipei Zoo Stationtransfer 236237611282brown6brown 15brown 18green1Zhi-Nan bus company, Zhi-Nan bus company 123 get off at ZhenDa stop


3.    By driving:

l  Take High way no.3 à Get off at MuZha-> Turn right at the exit> Turn left at Zhi-Nan road, pass Dao-nan Bridge, keep straight down

l  From downtown, take Xin-Yi Express way-> get off at MuZha, turn right at the exit  ->Turn left at Zhi-Nan road, pass Dao-nanBridge, keep straight down

l  From

XinHai Road
, pass XinHai Tunnel, go straight down->turn left at
XinLong Road
-> turn left at
MuZha Road
sec. 2, connect to
Zhi-Nan Road
, pass Dao-nanBridge, keep straight down

l  From Roosevelt Road, to the south->turn left at Xin-Long Road->turn left at Muzha Road sec.2->, connect to

Zhi-Nan Road
, pass Dao-nanBridge, keep straight down


    The NCCU MIS department office locates Room 260904, 9th floor, College of Commerce